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摘 要:价值链在市场经济活动中无处不在。本文以价值链理论为基础,结合国内外学者在此问题上的研究成果,重点论述了在价值链视角下与供应商选择的相关问题,包括:价值链理论、价值链视角下企业与供应商之间的关系、影响供应商选择的因素、在价值链视角下构建供应商选择评价模型,以及在价值链管理理念下构建供应商评价指标体系。
Study on Supplier Selection And Evaluation Based on Value Chain
Abstract:Value chain is being in economic activities everywhere. On the base of value chain management, by combining the domestic and overseas scholars in this question research achievements, this paper puts the emphasis on related issues about choose supplier under value chain,contains Value chain theory,the relationship with enterprise and supplier,the factors of choosing supplier,make up a framework about supplier selection and evaluation based on value chain .And build supplier evaluation index system under the concept of value chain management.
Key words:Value chain;Supplier selection;Supplier evaluation;Evaluation index system