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摘 要
【关键词】经济型酒店 发展现状 对策研究
Along with the development of our national economy, the rise of economic type hotel can be described as is overnight, the economy hotels in China makes full use of the foreign outstanding experience at the same time, were also renewed self adjustment, the current state of development is promising. But from the point of view of the current development status and problems existed in our country economy hotel should not be underestimated, in the homogenization of the hotel has group of, our country economy hotel industry development also need to really go a very long way. In addition, the needle to the current our country economy hotel development status, combined with the practical problems in China's present actual situation and economic type hotel development process and puts forward some own opinions and suggestions
Keywords: Econo Hotel,present situation ,Countermeasure research
目 录
一、引言 1
二、关于经济型酒店及其发展现状 1
(一) 经济型酒店概述 1
(二) 经济型酒店的发展摘要 2
三、 当前我国经济型酒店发展的主要原因分析 3
(一) 国内大众旅游业的勃兴 3
(二) 日益繁忙的商务往来 3
(三) 入境旅游的刺激 4
四、 我国经济型酒店发展过程中的问题 4
(一) 集团性经营发展缓慢 4
(二) 经济型酒店自身定位不清 5
(三) 产品同质化现象严重 6
五、 未来中国经济型酒店发展策略 7
(一)建立经济型酒店品牌 7
(二)走集团化经营之路,提供多种类型产品 7
(三)进一步降低成本,增强自身竞争力 8
(四)利用网络平台积极营销 8
六、小结 9
参考文献 10 |