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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D17984 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D17984
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关键词:混合所有制改革 国有企业 洋河股份

The report hopes to transform state-owned enterprises into international first-class enterprises through the reform of mixed ownership. Therefore, this paper hopes to find out the key to the success of the mixed ownership reform through the analysis of the three mixed ownership reform of yanghe shares, and provide reference for the reform of mixed ownership of state-owned enterprises.
This article first reviews the theory of mixed ownership reform research situation, and based on coase theorem 2 of mixed ownership reform in state-owned enterprise performance, and then using the case method of yanghe through analyzing the three mixed ownership reform, finally found the yanghe shares three mixed so successful has the following three points: 1, the incremental reform, promoting the mix to promote; 2. The introduction of employee stock ownership has stimulated the vitality of the enterprise; 3. The property rights of state-owned enterprises are more and more defined, thus improving the system of enterprises.
Key words: mixed ownership reform state-owned enterprise yanghe shares.

摘要    1
一、引言    3
1.1研究背景及意义    3
1.2研究思路与方法    3
1.3创新与不足    4
二、文献综述    4
2.1混合所有制概念    4
2.2混合所有制改革理论研究    4
2.3混合所有制改革对公司治理的影响    6
三、制度背景    7
四、案例分析    8
4.1公司简介    8
4.2混改历程    9
4.2.1第一次混改,改制设立    9
4.2.2第二次改革,员工持股进一步加大    9
4.2.3第三次改革,改制上市    10
4.3混改核心内容分析    10
4.3.1第一次混改    10
4.3.2第二次混改    12
4.4混改效果部分整合    12
4.4.1第一次混改    12
4.4.2第二次混改    14
4.4.3第三次混改    15
五、结论与启示    17
5.1增量改革,促进混改的推进    17
3.3产权界定,改进制度    17
参考文献    19
