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The dividend distribution of the listed company is to deduct the profits of the enterprises after taxes and taxes, and make a relatively balanced allocation between the two parties of the interests of investors and enterprises. It will have a certain effect on the investment enthusiasm of investors, and it will have an unbreakable link with the future expansion and investment and financing of the enterprise. The general public, the superior government departments and the management of the enterprise will focus on the dividend distribution. The dividend distribution of listed companies is undoubtedly the hot topic of the moment. Whether it is the objective factors outside the enterprise or the subjective factors within the enterprise, it is deeply restricting the development and implementation of dividend distribution of listed companies.
European developing-country securities markets have operated for longer, relatively mature. The dividend distribution in the developing countries can be continuous for years, and the annual average payment rate is high and very stable. At present, China's securities market still has many uneven defects. The development of dividend policy is too casual and has a great influence on human subjectivity. There are various ways of assigning it; Dividend payments are mixed.
The beginning of the article systematically expounds the research background and significance, then about to set out the influence factors of dividend distribution of listed companies in our country, and then the empirical analysis, the charge of 200 listed companies of zhejiang province in 2014-2016 financial data, using factor analysis method, this paper analyzes the factors which influence on dividend distribution, the three main factors instead of the original seven independent variables and its name, "sinking factor formula one," the operating factor F2 and F3 "" profit factor, three factor Y has a promoting effect on a share dividend, profit factor of influence is the largest. Finally, stand on different positions and make recommendations to the patients.
Keywords:Factor analysis; Dividend distribution; Dividends per share

摘要    I
Abstract    II
目录    III
我国上市公司股利分配影响因素研究    1
一  绪论    1
(一) 研究背景及意义    1
1. 研究背景    1
2. 研究意义    1
(二)研究思路    2
(三)研究方法    2
1. 文献研究法    2
2. 图表分析法    2
3. 实证研究法    2
二 我国上市公司股利分配影响因素的实证研究成果综述    3
(一)股利分配的内部影响因素    3
1. 偿债能力因素    3
2. 盈利能力因素    3
3. 营运能力因素    3
4. 股权结构因素    4
5. 企业规模因素    4
(二)股利分配的外部宏观影响因素    4
1. 行业因素    4
2. 政策因素    5
三 我国上市公司股利分配影响因素的实证研究    5
(一)样本选取和数据来源    5
(二)研究假设    5
(三)变量定义    6
(四)样本变量的描述性统计和相关性分析    6
1. 描述性统计分析    6
2. 因子分析    7
3. 多元线性回归分析    9
(五)股利分配影响因素的实证结果及结论    10
四 完善股利分配的建议    11
(一)维持合理的资产负债率    11
(二)提高盈利水平    11
(三)提升营运能力    11
五 总结与展望    13
参考文献    14
致谢    15
