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Haixin food Limited by Share Ltd profitability analysis
Title: Haixin food Limited by Share Ltd profitability analysis
With the development of our market economy, the financial situation of enterprises has attracted more and more attention, the profitability of the enterprise has become one of the focal point of the society, how to make a reasonable judgment and accurate analysis of the profitability of the business, also caused the attention of investors. This paper uses the relevant financial indicators of profitability analysis, from the enterprise business profitability, asset profitability, earnings quality point of view, to Haixin food limited financial conditions and operating conditions are analyzed, in order to make a reasonable evaluation of the profitability of Haixin Food Co. Ltd., help the company to improve management, make full use of existing resources. Improve the industry competitive ability and profit ability.
Key words: Haixin food; profitability; financial management

前言    1
1盈利能力的相关理论概述    1
1.1盈利能力的含义    1
1.2盈利能力的评价指标    1
1.2.1销售毛利率     1
1.2.2总资产收益率    2
1.2.3净资产收益率    2
1.2.4每股收益    2
1.2.5应收账款周转率    2
1.2.6存货管理周转率    2
1.3分析盈利能力的重要性    3
2 海欣食品股份有限公司盈利能力分析    4
2.1海欣公司财务现状    4
2.2海欣公司盈利能力分析    4
2.2.1主要财务数据    4
2.2.2营业盈利能力    4
2.2.3资本盈利能力    5
2.2.4盈利质量    6
2.3同行业盈利能力对比    7
2.3.1销售毛利率     7
2.3.2总资产收益率    7
2.3.3净资产收益率    7
2.3.4每股收益    8
3 海欣公司盈利能力存在的问题    8
3.1应收账款多周转率慢    8
3.2存货周转率慢    9
3.3现金流量不断下降    9
4海欣公司盈利能力存在问题的原因    10
4.1采取赊销资金回收困难    10
4.2食品生产周期较长    10
4.3银行承兑票汇增加    10
5优化海欣公司盈利能力的对策    10
5.1明确应收账款回收责任    10
5.2提高存货管理水平    11
5.2.1采用先进的存货管理方法    11
5.2.2加强存货盘点工作    11
5.3加强资金管理,提高现金流量水平    12
5.3.1加强资金管理制定现金预算    12
5.3.2建立并完善企业货币资金管理制度    12
 结  语    13
参考文献    14
致  谢    15
