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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D4671 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D4671
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 摘  要:长期以来,融资难的问题一直困扰着中小企业的成长,也对我国经济的健康稳定发展造成了一定不利影响。本文认为,银行方面,需要进行业务模式和金融产品的创新,改变原有的担保抵押方法,缓解市场上信息不对称的问题;信贷环境方面,需要加强相关法律法规的建设、完善中小企业信用担保体系、加快中小型金融机构发展和放开民间借贷等。

the Primary Investigation of the CreditT Financing Predicament of SMES in China and Possible Coping Strategies
Abstract: In a long period,the difficulty in raising money is hunting with the development of the medium ands mall enterprises and makes some influence to the stable and healthy development of the national economy. In this Paper, As for the bank,it should Promote the innovation of the business model and the financial Product,change the traditional mortgage method,and alleviate the information asymmetry Problem. As for the credit environment, it is of vital importance to enhance the development of law and regulation,enrich the mortgage system of the medium一and一small sized enterprises,fasten the Progress of the medium一and一small enterprises,financial institutions and loosen the restrictions of the Private lending.
Key words: medium-and一small sized enterprise; credit financing predicament
