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Research on the problem of capital structure of the Huadian Power International Corp
Abstract:The capital structure of the enterprises plays a more and more important role that an unreasonable one would lead to a financial risk of an enterprise. An analysis of the capital structure of the Huadian Power International Corp is put up in the paper, finding a serious of problems in Huadian Power International Corp, such as a great scale debt, irrational structure and too concentrated equity structure, thus appropriate policies are made, determining the capital structure optimization objectives, making good use of financial leverage, recreating a new financing way, improving management performance, reducing the rate of assets and liabilities and optimizing stockholders rights structure etc. The purpose is to provide a reference for optimizing the capital structure of the Huadian Power International Corp.
Keywords: capital structure; financial risk; optimize

1 引言    1
1.1 研究背景    1
1.2研究现状    1
1.3研究内容    2
1.4研究方法    2
2.资本结构的相关理论    2
2.1 资本结构的界定    2
2.2资本结构理论    2
2.2.1早期资本结构理论    2
2.2.2现代资本结构理论    3
2.2.3 新资本结构理论    3
2.3 资本结构影响因素    3
2.3.1宏观因素    3
2.3.2微观因素    4
3 我国电力行业的基本情况及资本结构的特点    4
3.1我国电力行业的基本情况    4
3.1.1我国电力行业的重要性    4
3.1.2我国电力行业的融资偏好    4
3.2我国电力行业资本结构的特点    4
4华电国际的资本结构现状及存在的问题    5
4.1华电国际的基本情况    5
4.1.1华电国际概况    5
4.1.2 华电国际的财务数据    6
4.2华电国际的资本结构的现状、问题及其原因分析    7
4.2.1华电国际的资本结构现状    7
4.2.2华电国际的资本结构存在的问题    8
4.2.3华电国际资本结构的影响因素分析    8
5 华电国际优化资本结构的策略    9
5.1确定资本结构优化的目标    9
5.2合理利用财务杠杆,调整资本结构    9
5.3创新融资方式    9
5.4提高公司经营绩效,降低资产负债率    10
5.5保持适度的股权集中度,优化股权结构    10
参考文献    11
