主页 > 管理学 > 物流管理 >


来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D26418 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D26418
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In the face of the rapid development of the electronic commerce industry brought about by the explosive growth of the express. As well as when a variety of businesses to carry out promotional activities of the festival, the volume of business brought rapidly surge. Express delivery company in the face of intense growth is difficult to deal with the distribution. These caused a large number of shipments stranded in the warehouse, so that distribution delays. In the end, the user experience has declined. Under the environment of e-commerce in China, the domestic courier companies operating in various ways. As an important part of electronic commerce, the third party logistics of Taobao system is very representative.
By analyzing the receiver link, transit/sorting process, transportation link and delivery link, the paper find out the defects in the operationand carry out the rectification of defects, to speed up the flow of the parcel in the logistics system as goal, and achieve the purpose of delivering the parcel more quickly to consumers' hands.
Key words: Third party logistics; distribution; optimization; express delivery company

第1章  绪论    1
1.1  论文研究的背景    1
1.2  论文研究目的和意义    2
1.3  研究内容、研究方法和技术路线图    2
第2章  菜鸟物流发展环境及运营现状    4
2.1  国外快递行业的发展    4
2.1.1  国外快递业的发展历程    4
2.1.2  现阶段国外快递行业格局分析    5
2.2  国内快递行业的发展    5
2.2.1  国内快递行业的发展历程    5
2.2.2  现阶段国内快递行业格局分析    6
2.3  菜鸟物流的建立及运营现状    6
第3章  菜鸟物流运营协调关键问题    8
3.1  服务能力协调问题——节日困境现状    8
3.2  形成节日困境的原因分析    8
3.2.1  我国电子商务立法框架还不完善    8
3.2.2  物流配送基础设施建设不完善    9
3.2.3  物流配送渠道不健全    9
3.2.4  物流配送的费用及仓储费用太高    9
3.2.5  物流信息化程度低    9
3.3  信息协调问题    10
第4章  菜鸟物流运营协调方案    11
4.1  基于四个环节整改优化的服务能力协调机制    11
4.1.1  快件揽收环节整改优化方案    11
4.1.2  转运中心分拨环节整改优化方案    12
4.1.3  运输环节整改优化方案    13
4.1.4  末端递送环节整改优化方案    17
4.2  信息集成平台建设    19
第5章  结论与展望    21
参考文献    22
