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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D16922 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D16922
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摘  要



The integration of tourism resources is to ensure the regional tourism resources overall, systematic and comprehensive coordination of the, around the excavation and enhance tourism competitiveness as the center, the integration of the regional development, the regional tourism resources to form a good complementary relationship, combined into unified whole, so as to realize the regional market value of tourism resources and to maximize the overall benefit maximization.
Firstly, this article has studied the domestic regional tourism cooperation, integration and development of tourism resources, such as research progress, and the concept of tourism resources, tourism resources integration, the depth of the development of the related definition, at the same time, the relevant theory of exploration and research, based on the theory of system theory, regional economic growth, sustainable development theory, symbiosis theory, the tourism destination life cycle theory to find the theoretical support for the research. The research on the regional status quo is the basis of all the work, so the article makes a detailed study on the integration of tourism resources and the actual conditions of the development of Lintong's tourism resources. This paper introduces the location condition, geological landform and social economy of Lintong, systematically combs the tourism resources, studies the types, distribution and characteristics of the resources, and makes an objective evaluation of the impact caused by the earthquake. Through the above analysis, we find out the problems existing in the development of tourism industry, and the integration of tourism resources is very necessary. Therefore, aiming at these problems, this paper proposes Lintong tourism resources integration strategy target, guiding ideology, that is, to build a "Qianshan Buddha, hot spring", under the command, the implementation of tourism integration, tourism brand integration, tourism facilities integration, management and operation of the body of integration, regional resources integration of the five strategies.

KEY WORDS:Tourism resources; Integrated development; Management operation;

目  录
1绪  论    6
1.1研究背景和意义    6
1.1.1研究背景    6
1.1.2研究意义    7
1.2国内外研究现状    7
1.2.1国外研究现状    7
1.2.2国内研究现状    8
1.3主要研究内容和采用方法    10
1.3.1研究内容    10
1.3.2技术方法    10
2相关概念及理论依据    11
2.1相关概念    11
2.1.1 旅游资源    11
       2.1.2 旅游资源整合    12
2.1.3 深度开发    12
2.2 理论支撑    13
2.2.1 系统理论    13
2.2.2 区域经济增长理论    14
2.2.3 可持续发展理论    14
2.2.4 共生理论    15
2.2.5 旅游地生命周期理论    15
3临潼旅游资源的整合开发现状及存在问题分析    16
3.1临潼区旅游资源简介    16
3.2调研设计    17
3.2.1调查方法和原则    17
3.2.2数据分析    17
3.2.3调查结果分析    17
3.2.4评价结果    18
3.3临潼区旅游资源规划现状    18
3.3.1从游客构成及其规律角度现状分析    18
3.3.2从临潼旅游产业对当地经济影响角度现状分析    22
3.3.3从临潼旅游资源开发条件现状分析    24
3.4问题总结    26
3.4.1法律制度不完善    26
3.4.2管理体制不健全    27
3.4.3产权不清晰    27
4临潼旅游资源的整合开发合理化对策    29
4.1合理规划    29
4.2完善旅游配套设施完善    29
4.3加强政府监管力度    30
4.4加速旅游人才培养建设    31
4.5加大旅游宣传和品牌开发力度    31
5结论    33
致  谢    34
参考文献    35
