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Evaluation on the Comfort of Tourism Climate Resources in Shandong Province
Abstract :In this paper, data of temperature, wind speed, relative humidity and sunshine hours of each month in Shandong Province from 1971 to 2010 at 122 meteorological stations in the past 40 years are used. With the use of ArcGIS spatial analysis functions, the elements were spatially based on multivariate regression models and inverse distance weighting, and the comfort of climate and tourism resources in Shandong Province was analyzed based on the temperature and humidity index, wind effect index, clothing index, and comprehensive evaluation model. A quantitative evaluation was performed and the results showed:
(1) Temperature and Humidity Index There are many hills in the central and southern parts of Shandong and Shandong, and the terrain is relatively high. The Jiaodong Peninsula is relatively small from the sea, and the south is larger than the north.
(2) The wind effect index plays a decisive role in the temperature. The higher the air temperature is, the higher the wind effect index is, and the smaller the air temperature is, the smaller the wind effect index is. There is a difference between east and west and north and south, and in the Luzhong and Luzhongnan areas. Other places are high. There is a clear zoning phenomenon in Jiaodong Peninsula and Luzhong.
(3) The clothing index is mainly determined by the temperature. The higher the temperature is, the smaller the clothing index is. The larger the other hand, the smaller the inland area is compared with the coastal areas. There is a clear phenomenon of zoning in Luzhong, Shandong, and South Shandong and Jiaodong Peninsula.
(4) The composite index is not comfortable for January, February and December and is not suitable for people. The most comfortable month of the year is May, September, and October for people to go out to play and climb.
Key words:Shandong Province ;Tourism climate resources ; Comfort; Evaluation model

1 引言    4
1.1  研究意义    4
1.2  国内外研究进展    4
1.2.1    国外研究进展    5
1.2.2    国内研究进展    5
1.3  研究区域概况    6
1.3.1    地理位置及地貌概况    6
1.3.2    旅游概况    6
1.3.3    气候概况    6
1.4  技术路线    7
2 研究方法和数据处理    8
2.1  研究方法    8
2.1.1    温湿指数    8
2.1.2    风效指数    8
2.1.3    着衣指数    8
2.1.4    综合评价模型    9
2.2  数据处理    9
2.2.1    数据来源    9
2.2.2    数据预处理    10
3  研究结果与分析    12
3.1  温湿指数    12
3.2  风效指数    14
3.3  着衣指数    15
3.4  综合舒适度模型    17
4 小结与讨论    20
4.1  小结    20
4.2  讨论    20
参考文献    20
致谢    22
