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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D25319 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D25319
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摘  要
关键字:双横臂式独立悬架;6 6特种车;双筒式减振器;车身高度调节机构;电液伺服阀

This paper designs a double -wishbone type independent suspension based on a multi-axis distributed electric drive vehicle, and proposes a new body height adjustment mechanism. This paper first compares the advantages and disadvantages of air spring suspensions and spiral spring suspensions applied to special vehicles to determine the types of elastic elements in the design, then, the type of suspension is determined by comparing the suspension structure. Then the structural arrangement of the suspension is designed, and the parameters are calculated and checked. In this paper, the solid model of the double-wishbone type independent suspension with adjustable body height is established by SolidWorks software, and the assembly is carried out to analyze the structural interference and optimize the structural parameters. This paper proposes a new type of hydraulic body height adjustment mechanism, introduces its principle and mechanism, and describes the parameter calculation and specification matching process for its components. Finally, a simulation model of the hydraulic body height adjustment mechanism was established in the AMEsim software, the calculated parameters and the detailed parameters of the selected part specifications were substituted into the simulation model, then, five kinds of height adjustment conditions were simulated for the mechanism. The body speed, body acceleration, vehicle height adjustment time, vehicle height adjustment result, and the hydraulic pressure conditions in various parts of the hydraulic system were obtained during the operation of the mechanism. Finally, the simulation results were analyzed.
Keywords: double -wishbone type independent suspension; 6×6 special vehicle; double-tube shock absorber; body height adjustment mechanism; electro-hydraulic servo valve



目  录
第1章 绪论    1
1.1目的及意义    1
1.2研究背景    1
1.2.1空气弹簧悬架研究现状    1
1.2.2螺旋弹簧悬架研究现状    2
1.3课题研究内容、方案及目标    3
1.3.1研究内容及方案    3
1.3.2研究目标    3
第2章 悬架    4
2.1悬架的功用和组成    4
2.2悬架设计要求    4
2.3独立悬架的结构型式与分析    5
第3章 悬架主要参数的确定    7
3.1悬架静挠度    7
3.2悬架的动挠度    8
3.3悬架刚度    8
第4章 独立悬架导向机构和弹性元件的设计    9
4.1车轮定位参数的设计要求    9
4.2导向机构的布置参数    10
4.2.1侧倾中心    10
4.2.2纵倾中心    11
4.3双横臂式独立悬架导向机构的设计    11
4.3.1上、下横臂在纵向平面内的布置方案    11
4.3.2上、下横臂在水平面内的布置方案    12
4.3.3上、下横臂长度的确定    13
4.4悬架螺旋弹簧刚度及应力计算    13
4.4.1螺旋弹簧材料的选择    13
4.4.2弹簧刚度的计算    14
4.4.3弹簧几何参数的计算    14
第5章 减振器机构类型及主要参数的选择计算    16
5.1分类    16
5.2相对阻尼系数    16
5.3减振器阻尼系数的确定    17
5.4最大卸荷力的确定    17
5.5筒式减振器工作缸直径D的确定    18
第6章 车身高度可调液压机构的设计    19
6.1车身高度可调液压机构简介    19
6.2液压泵的选择    20
6.3电动机的选择    21
6.4弹簧上端固定设计    21
第7章 基于AMEsim对车身高度调节机构的仿真研究    22
7.1 AMEsim仿真模型建立    22
7.2车身高度调节机构仿真结果及分析    23
第8章 基于SolidWorks三维模型的建立    25
结论    28
参考文献    29
致谢    31
