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In 2015, car production and sale in China are 24.50millions automobiles and 24.60millions automobiles, rose 3.25% and 4.68% from a year earlier respectively, which is a record high in the world. And China held its first place in the world for seven consecutive years. With the rapid development of China’s vehicle industry, customers’ demands for ride comfort are getting higher continuously which brings up a stricter requirement for car designers and producers. Chassis is a main assembly of a car, and also a fundamental platform of the car development. The suspension, as the core of the car chassis, plays a very important role in whole performance of a car such as ride comfort and road holding.
This article is to design the suspension system of a car with a 1.4 litters engine. Cars in this class have a narrow space and a relatively stricter requirement of the whole cost of the car. Therefore, we must consider the space and the cost of our suspension system when we pursue the ride comfort and the road holding of the car. Suspension system consists elastic components, guiding devise, dampers and stabilizer shafts. Since the suspension with high performance will take up more space and increase the cost, I decide to choose McPherson suspension as the front suspension and torsion beam suspension as the rear suspension.
Keywords: suspension design, McPherson suspension, torsion beam suspension, CATIA


第1章绪论    1
1.1悬架的重要性    1
1.2悬架的功能    1
1.3悬架的设计要求    1
第2章汽车悬架概述    3
2.1悬架概念    3
2.2悬架基本组成    3
2.3传力构件及导向机构    3
2.4横向稳定器    4
第3章悬架对汽车主要性能的影响    5
3.1 悬架对汽车平顺性的影响    5
3.1.1悬架弹性特性对汽车行驶平顺性的影响    5
3.1.2悬架系统中的阻尼对汽车行驶平顺性的影响    8
3.1.3非簧载质量对汽车行驶平顺性的影响    9
3.1.4改善平顺性的主要措施    9
3.2 悬架与汽车操纵稳定性    10
3.2.1 汽车的侧倾    10
3.2.2侧倾时垂直载荷对稳态响应的影响    12
3.3 悬架K&C特性    14
3.4 悬架弹性特性    15
第4章悬架具体参数    16
4.1悬架静挠度    16
4.2悬架动挠度    17
4.3悬架的刚度计算    17
4.4悬架主销侧倾角与后倾角    18
第5章悬架主要零件设计    19
5.1螺旋弹簧的设计    19
5.1.1螺旋弹簧的刚度    19
5.1.2 螺旋弹簧的直径    19
5.1.3 螺旋弹簧的校核    20
5.1.4 螺旋弹簧的参数    20
5.2减震器的设计    21
5.2.1 相对阻尼系数φ的确定    23
5.2.2 减振器阻尼系数δ的确定    23
5.2.3 减振器最大卸荷力 的确定    24
5.2.4 减振器工作缸直径D 的确定    25
第6章导向机构的设计    26
6.1麦弗逊悬架侧倾中心    26
6.2麦弗逊悬架侧倾轴线    26
6.3麦弗逊悬架纵倾中心    26
6.4导向机构受力分析    27
6.5摆臂轴线布置方式的选择    28
6.6摆臂长度的确定    28
第7章悬架侧倾角刚度    29
7.1 前悬架侧倾角刚度    29
7.2 后悬架侧倾角刚度计算    31
第8章 结论    32
参考文献    33
致谢    35
附录1    36
附录2    36
