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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D27324 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D27324
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摘  要
 关键词:主减速器  差速器  半轴  桥壳  CATIA

The three-dimensional design of the intermediate cars drive axle
 The research topic “The three-dimensional design of the intermediate cars drive axle” on the premise of meeting the requirements of the various design parameters, on the basis of relevant standards, in the structure of components, materials and process forms, has a reasonable structure of innovative design, using CATIA three-dimensional modeling software to cad. The topic design part includes: the structure of the drive axle type selection and design, the design of the main reducer, differential design, the design of the wheel gear, the design of the drive axle housing, the structure of the drive axle components and each part component parameter design and the relevant software is introduced, the design to the mechanical courses and various aspects of automobile design.
 The article on the drive axle of the design process were discussed, axle shaft with floating half shaft, mainly introduces half shaft rod diameter determination of length and its strength check, the spline coupling and its strength check to determine the main parameters in content; bridge shell uses the steel plate stamping welding integral bridge shell, mainly introduced to meet the Lord reducer, differential and half shaft after the installation of the intensity. CATIA as a high-end software of computer aided three-dimensional design, because of the powerful assembly simulation and data management, function management, and other functions and widely application, makes the assembly of parts to meet the requirements of the subject.
 The main research contents and main conclusions are as follows:
 This topic is designed by the intermediate car drive axle, according to the characteristics of the intermediate cars drive axle, the proposed breaking drive axle, the breaking of the drive axle of simple structure, and the main reducer of low cost, reliable operation, can be widely used in all kinds of vehicles. The topic introduces the structure and working principle of car rear axle drive, design and calculation of the main reducer, differential and half shaft and drive axle housing structure, size and strength and service life of parts of the check, and draw the part drawing and assembly of parts of the assembly drawing. The drive axle of structure design is reasonable, conform to the practical application, and has good power performance and fuel economy.
 In the design of this topic, as far as possible the design of the drive axle assembly and its components to meet the standardization of parts, parts generalization and serialization of products and to meet the requirements of car assembly, easy to manufacture, easy to repair and maintenance, and good parts manufacturability.
Key words:  Main reducer;Differential mechanism;Axle;Bridge housing;CATIA

(3)轮胎规格:205/55 R16
(6)变速型式:有级变速,前进档 5,倒档 1
(9)变速器最大传动比:6.40; 变速器最小传动比1


目  录
摘要    I
第一章 绪论    1
1.1本设计的研究目的与意义    1
1.2驱动桥国内外的发展现状    1
1.3驱动桥的总体概述    1
1.4本设计研究或解决的问题    2
1.5本设计拟采用的研究手段    2
1.6本设计的相关数据    3
第二章 驱动桥的结构选型与设计    4
2.1方案(一)非断开式驱动桥    4
2.2方案(二)断开式驱动桥    4
2.3方案(三)多桥驱动的布置    6
第三章 主减速器的设计    7
3.1主减速器结构方案的分析    7
3.2主减速器主、从动锥齿轮的支承方案    8
3.3主减速器锥齿轮设计    9
3.4主减速器锥齿轮的材料    13
3.5主减速器锥齿轮的强度计算    13
3.6主减速器锥齿轮轴承的设计计算    15
第四章 差速器的设计    16
4.1 差速器结构形式的选择    21
4.2 普通锥齿轮式差速器齿轮设计    21
4.3 差速器齿轮的材料    24
4.4 普通锥齿轮式差速器齿轮强度计算    24
第五章 车轮传动装置的设计    26
5.1 半轴的型式    26
5.2 半轴的设计、计算与校核    27
5.3 半轴的结构设计及材料与热处理    29
第六章 驱动桥壳的设计    31
6.1 桥壳的结构型式    31
6.2 桥壳的受力分析及强度计算    31
第七章 驱动桥的结构元件    33
7.1 支撑轴承的预紧    33
7.2 锥齿轮的啮合与调整    33
7.3 润滑    34
第八章 CATIA三维建模    35
8.1 主减速器齿轮建模    35
8.2 从动锥齿轮建模    36
8.3 驱动桥整体装配    37
第九章 结论    41
参考文献    42
致谢    43
