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关键词:PLC 变频器  观光电梯  交流变频调速  舒适性

Design of Electrical Control System for 18 - storey 18 - station AC Variable Frequency Speed Sightseeing Elevator
There is a saying that the economic base determines the superstructure. Now the era of rapid economic development, the building is the more heap higher, this time on the need for a vertical lift of the transport - the elevator. On the one hand, people's pursuit of quality of life, making people on the elevator high-performance R & D enthusiasm is rising, on the other hand, the traditional relay system failure rate is high, difficult maintenance, time-consuming and labor, gradually being eliminated. Therefore, people need a new, convenient, safe and reliable system to replace the traditional control system in the form of a relay.
   My goal of this paper is to design the 18th floor of the elevator electrical control system, select the inverter and PLC common control, to achieve AC frequency control system control, safety and reliability and comfort has been greatly improved, First, the elevator relay system and PLC control system were compared, and then analyzed the main work of this article; introduced the elevator origin, development history and species structure made an analysis; through the inverter and PLC analysis, made the corresponding Selection and PLC port assignment and other device parameter selection.
    Finally, the design of the elevator PLC control system under the simple part of the ladder diagram, under the control of the PLC, through the inverter on the motor regulation, to achieve the frequency control frequency modulation requirements, to achieve the simple operation of the elevator.

Keyword : PLC ;frequency converter; sightseeing elevator; AC variable frequency speed control ; comfortability
目  录
  摘要    I
    Abstract    Ⅱ
第一章 绪论    1
1.1电梯继电器控制系统特点    1
1.2继电器控制系统的不足之处    2
1.3简述可编程控制器在电梯上的应用    2
1.4电梯变频调速控制的优点    2
1.5观光电梯的设计要求    3
1.5.1自然条件    3
1.5.2观光电梯的特点    3
第二章  电梯的概述    5
2.1电梯的起源与发展    5
2.2国内外发展概况    6
2.3 电梯的分类    6
2.3.1电梯用途的分类    6
2.3.2速度的分类    7
2.3.3按照曳引方式分类    7
2.4电梯的结构    7
2.5 电梯的安全保护措施    9
2.6本章小结    10
第三章 变频器与PLC的概述    11
3.1变频器的概述    11
3.1.1变频器的分类    11
3.1.2变频器满足设计要求的条件    11
3.2通用变频器    11
3.2.1选择三菱E700通用变频器    12
3.2.2变频器的性能    12
3.3 PLC的概述    13
3.4 PLC的基本结构    14
3.5 PLC的工作原理    14
3.6 PLC的选择    15
3.7 I/O点数分配    16
3.8本章小结    18
第四章 电气控制电路设计与设备选择    19
4.1主供电电源设计    19
4.2曳引电机电路设计    19
4.3门机电枢控制电路设计    20
4.4操作台供电方式    20
4.5电梯控制回路电源    21
4.6设备选择    22
4.6.1电梯曳引电动机    22
4.6.2电梯门电机    23
4.7电梯调速    24
4.7.1电梯运行速度曲线    24
4.7.2变频调速原理    25
4.8其它设备    25
4.9本章小结    28
第五章 控制系统软件设计    29
5.1软件设计要求分析    29
5.2电梯工作状况    29
5.3程序流程图    31
5.4软件设计    32
5.5本章小结    38
第六章 结论与展望    39
参考文献    40
致谢    42
