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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D27222 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D27222
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关键词: 变电所  变压器  短路电流  主接线
110/35/10 kV substation primary design
Electricity as humans currently the most widely used energy, but also one of the most clean energy. From its production, transmission ,and finally to the user by using the process has been very mature. The design is what a place used for power transmission link——110/35/10 kV substation design.

This paper introduces : the main types and function of the substation, wiring design requirements, the dangers of short-circuit current and the conditions of short-circuit current calculation, the calculation method of lightning protection scope. The first step, calculating the load of substation and forecasting load growth, using load calculation results to choose the main transformer. The second step, the choice of substation main connection mode, on the basis of safe, flexible, reliable, choose the relative economic plan. The third step, select short-circuit points by using simple main wiring diagram and calculate the short circuit current; The fourth step, select the high voltage equipment and calibration; the final step, the substation lightning protection design. Paper contains the main wiring drawings, etc.
In the process of making this paper,I will meet lots of professional quality problem,I will use the information query, discuss with classmates and ask professor to complete the graduation design.
Keywords: Substation; transformer; short-circuit current; main wiring


目  录
摘要    I
绪论    1
第一章 变电所简介    2
1.1变电所基本原理    2
1.2变电所的分类    3
1.2.1按电压等级    3
1.2.2按用户    3
1.2.3按地位与作用    3
1.2.4按容量和馈线    4
1.2.5按有无值班人员    4
1.3变电所的选址    4
1.3.1 变电所选址原则    4
1.3.2变电所选址的基本思路    5
第二章 变压器的选择    6
2.1负荷整理计算分析    6
2.2主变压器的选择    8
2.2.1变压器型式    8
2.2.2变压器容量比    8
2.2.3绕组连接方式    8
2.2.4绕组排列方式    8
2.3所用变压器的选择    9
第三章 电气主接线的设计    10
3.1电气主接线设计的概念    10
3.2主接线的设计原则    10
3.2.1通过负荷重要性分级的需求    10
3.2.2通过预测负荷发展进行规划    10
3.2.3通过在整个系统中功能与变电所的地位    10
3.2.4通过主变压器的数量    10
3.3主接线设计的基本要求    11
3.3.1可靠性    11
3.3.2灵活性    11
3.3.3经济性     12
3.4 主接线方案的拟定    12
3.4.1    110kV母线接线:    13
3.4.2    35kV母线接线:    14
3.4.3    10kV母线接线:    15
第四章 短路电流计算    17
4.1电力系统短路电流计算的目的    17
4.2 电力系统短路电流计算条件    17
4.2.1标幺制的运用    17
4.2.2基本假定    18
4.2.3短路电流计算的一般规定    18
4.3 系统短路电流计算    19
4.3.1短路电流计算短路点    19
4.3.2对短路点甄选见下图(图4-1)    19
4.3.3通过标幺值运算    19
第五章 主要电气装置选择    25
5.1  10kV系统电气设备选择    25
5.1.1    10kV侧设备选择    25
5.1.2   10kV母线的选择    26
5.1.3    10kV电压互感器    27
5.1.4       10kV电流互感器的选择    29
5.2      35kV系统电气设备选择    31
5.2.1    35kV侧设备选择    31
5.2.2    35kV母线的选择    32
5.2.3    35kV侧绝缘子    33
5.2.4       35kV侧电压互感器    33
5.2.5       35kV侧电流互感器    33
5.3     110kV系统电气设备选择    33
5.3.1      110kV侧各断路器及隔离开关    33
5.3.2    110侧母线选择    35
5.3.3      110kV侧电压互感器    35
5.3.4      110kV电流互感器的选择    35
第六章 变电所配电布置    36
第七章 防雷保护    37
7.1变电所防雷保护及接地装置    37
7.1.1避雷针的保护范围计算    37
7.1.2折线法    37
7.1.3滚球法    38
7.1.4直击雷过电压保护    38
7.2雷电载入波的过电压保护    39
7.3变电所进线段保护     39
结束语    40
