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摘 要
This graduation design is to set of spare parts of the process planning and processes the special fixture design. This part is the executing agency for the help of the major components. It is one of the end of the hydraulic help with the component connection, the middle of a vast and round and up to the end of the supporting role.
This passage include of four chapters, the first chapter carried out a detailed process analysis; second chapter introduces the components of the preparation process planning, including process routes and process design; third chapter on some special fixture design process methods and steps described in detail; the fourth chapter of the graduate design summed up the overall design process.
KEY WORD: Outer tube bushing, Process planning , Process analysis, The special fixture,Sum
目 录
前 言 - 1 -
第1章 零件的分析 - 2 -
1.1零件的作用 - 2 -
1.2零件的工艺分析 - 3 -
1.2.1结构工艺分析 - 3 -
1.2.2材料加工性 - 4 -
第2章 工艺规程设计 - 5 -
2.1工艺路线设计 - 5 -
2.1.1确定毛坯的尺寸 - 5 -
2.1.2主要表面的加工方法 - 5 -
2.1.3加工阶段划分 - 5 -
2.1.4基准选择 - 5 -
2.1.5工序集中与分散 - 7 -
2.1.6制订工艺路线 - 8 -
2.2工序设计 - 9 -
2.2.1工序尺寸、机械加工余量的确定 - 9 -
2.2.2机床及工艺装备的选择 - 11 -
第3章 夹具设计 - 14 -
3.1钻模铣床夹具设计 - 14 -
3.1.1拟定夹具方案 - 14 -
3.1.2自由度分析 - 14 -
3.1.3绘制夹具总图 - 18 -
3.1.4绘制夹具零件图 - 18 -
3.1.5 夹具精度分析 - 19 -
致 谢 - 22 -
参 考 文 献 - 23 -
毕业设计小结 - 24 -