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[摘要] 搅拌器广泛应用于化学工程、生物工程、石油工程、医药工程等行业,是最常见、最重要的单元设备之一。其主要作用是:(1)混合和分散均一化作用;(2)凝集和破坏细分化作用;(3)流动浮游作用;(4)在异相相接触界面上促进物质移动和热移动等作用。其操作性能直接关系到产品的质量、能耗和生产成本。
[关键词] 搅拌器;桨叶;升降

A mud mixer with a lifting device
[Abstract] Mixers are widely used in chemical engineering ,biological engineering , petroleum engineering.medicine engineering and other industries.It is the most common and one of the most important unit of equipment .Its main functions are :(1)the function of mixing and dispersion homogenization ;(2)the function of mobile pelagic;(4)promoting the movement and heat moving of the material in the heterogeneous interface,and etc.Its operating performance is directly related to product quality ,energy consumption and production costs.
The traditional mixer is mainly consist of blender blades,stirring shaft and the reducer and motor,in the situation of drilling operations,the mud settle down for its large density while the agitator stopped working,and the blades will be buried deeply in the mud,which will decrease the life of the blades,Besides,it may make the motor burned out when the motor start suddenly.
Since the traditional blender exist these drawbacks,in this article,it designs a mixer with a lifting device by using related knowledge of mechanical principles and mechanical design based on the working situation,also,it has improved some structures compared with the traditional blender.This article focuses on the rotary device,lifting devices and impeller and makes deep discussion.It made several assumptions of options which were available,and have determined the final program.(1)Rotating device adopt bevel gear transmission.(2)Lifting device adopts screw nut transmission.Finally,the article has make a check of the strength of the some parts.
The agitator designed in this article is mainly for oil drilling occasions.Compared to the traditional blender,it has obvious advantages in the protection of the impeller and motor.
[Key words] mixer  blade  lift

1.7 设计理论依据
电机功率为:7.5kW             倾角:60° 
额定电压:380V                传动比为:1:20
输出转速:72.5r/min           中心距200 mm
升距离为:550mm               叶轮直径为:820 mm
叶片数为:4个                 叶轮排量为:28.2m³/min
另外,试验用泥浆性能为:密度1.28g/cm³,塑性粘度7mPa•s,宏观粘度67.5MP a﹒s,动切力60.5Pa,静切力70Pa。
    ③胡国桢,石流主编.化工密封技术.化学工业出版社:2001 。


目  录
任务书    Ⅰ
开题报告    Ⅱ
指导教师审查意见    Ⅲ
评阅教师评语    Ⅳ
答辩会议记录    Ⅴ
中文摘要    Ⅵ
外文摘要    Ⅶ
1 前言    1
1.1 课题的来源、目的和意义    1
1.2 国内外研究现状与发展趋势    2
1.3 泥浆搅拌机的工作介质    3
1.4 设计思路阐述    3
1.5 设计的可行性分析和技术难点    4
1.6 主要设计内容    4
1.7 设计理论依据    5
2 升降式钻井泥浆搅拌器结构方案设计    6
2.1 总体方案拟定    6
2.2 设计要求    8
2.3 电动机的选用    8
2.4 确定升降式泥浆搅拌器的轴封类型    8
2.5 确定升降式泥浆搅拌器的升降结构型式    9
3 主要零部件理论设计计算    10
3.1 联轴器与螺栓    10
3.2 蜗轮蜗杆传动设计    10
3.3 搅拌轴的设计计算    12
3.4 空心涡轮轴的设计    13
3.5 搅拌叶片强度的设计计算    13
3.6 搅拌器叶轮的设计    14
3.7 确定空心蜗轮轴的尺寸    15
4 主要零部件的强度校核    18
4.1 空心涡轮轴的强度校核    18
4.2 蜗杆传动的设计校核    20
4.3 轴承型号选择    22
4.4 键的强度校核    25
5 装置选择的几点注意事项    28
6 总结    29
参考文献    30
致 谢    31
