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[摘要] 本设计为JD-3型调度绞车。JD-3型调度绞车应用于矿井井底车场、中间巷道、采区运输巷道调度编组的空车和重车,或者用于上、下山及掘进头调度单个矿车。
[关键词] 调度绞车;啮合传动;行星齿轮
JD-3 Type Dispatching Winch
[Abstract] The subject is JD-3 scheduling winch. The dispatching winch JD-3 is applied to the pit bottom of coal mine,the middle of the roadway, the dispatched empty cars and heavy vehicles of haulage roadway in the mining area,or for going up and down the hill and boring head scheduling individual harvesters.
The dispatching winch JD-3 is small-size, simple in structure and beautiful appearance;It has a low center of gravity,a rigid base,smooth running , safe and reliable and convenient installation.It also reduces the support staff and improved the conditions of manual labor.The dispatching winch JD-11.4 operated safely and reliably .It’s very convenient to operate and repair.
In order to achieve good results,it is contained in the design of the bodies contained no extra bound to take the floating manner.In addition,the use of variable gear can also get accurate than the drive to improve the quality and meshing transmission capacity.
The design uses the two main transmissions and meshing which a planetary gear transmission,the drum structure,such as brake carried out a detailed design.
[Key words] Scheduling winch; Meshing transmission; Planetary gear
目 录
任务书 Ⅰ
开题报告 Ⅱ
指导教师审查意见 Ⅲ
评阅老师评语 Ⅳ
答辩会议记录 Ⅴ
中文摘要 Ⅵ
外文摘要 Ⅶ
1 前言 1
2 选题背景 1
2.1 调度绞车的简介 1
2.2 用途及适用范围 1
2.3 本文所做的基本工作 2
3 调度绞车的总体设计 2
3.1 设计参数 2
3.2 结构特征与工作原理 2
3.3 选择电动机 3
4 滚筒及其部件的设计 5
4.1 钢丝绳的选择 5
4.2 滚筒的设计计算 6
5 减速器设计 7
5.1总传动比及传动比分配 7
5.2 高速级计算 8
5.3 低速级计算 18
5.4 传动装置运动参数的计算 28
6 传动轴的设计计算 30
6.1 计算作用在齿轮上的力 30
6.2 初步估算轴的直径 30
6.3 轴的结构设计 30
6.4 绘制轴的弯矩图和扭矩图 32
6.5 轴的计算简图 33
6.6 按弯矩合成强度校核轴的强度 33
7 滚动轴承的选择与寿命计算 34
7.1 基本概念及术语 34
7.2 轴承类型选择 35
7.3 按额定动载荷选择轴承 35
8 键的选择与强度验算 36
8.1 电机轴与中心轮联接键的选择与验算 36
8.2 主轴(滚筒轴)与行星架联接键的选择与验算 37
8.3 主轴与太阳轮联接键的选择与验算 38
8.4 行星架与滚筒联接键的选择与验算 39
9 结构设计 39
10 绞车的润滑 40
小结 41
参考文献 42
致 谢 43