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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D11476 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D11476
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摘  要

关键词: 煤仓堵塞  疏通机   输送效率

This paper describes the current situation about clearing the coal bunker at home and abroad, a modern production is represented by an automated pipeline, which is most consisted of transport links. The efficiency of transport links will be greatly reduced without reliable automatic assembly-line. At present, the coal bunker becomes an important hub for the various production processes. Coal flows through conical hopper by gravity, while the bunker clogging occurred in the course of transmission has become a universally problem faced by every coal mine which seriously affects the delivery of coal and restrict the production efficiency and there’s also a great security risk.
Thus, we developed a convenient and efficient device for clearing. The paper   carried out a detailed study on working principles based on the understanding about the status of mine at home and abroad. Through accessing to the relevant information and using the learned knowledge, I put forward my views and the design process. Since the limited ability of author, there’s inevitably something wrong of the paper, please give guidance and criticism.

Key words: coal bunker jam; clear machine; Transmission efficien


目录    i
摘  要    I
前  言    1
1概况    2
2煤仓堵塞机理及改善煤仓通畅性的措施    3
2.1煤仓堵塞机理    3
2.2改善煤仓通畅性的措施    7
3. 煤仓疏通方案的确定    9
4、疏通机的工作原理    10
5疏通机的设计计算    14
5.1增速及缓冲装置    14
5.1.1橡胶弹和增速筒的设计计算    14
5.1.2缓冲装置    17
5.2角度调节装置    18
5.3高度调节及底座装置    18
5.3.1高度调节装置    19
5.3.2底座    20
5.4压力表    20
5.4.1压力表的分类    21
(1)压力表按其测量精确度    21
(3)压力表按其测量范围    22
(4)压力表按其显示方式分    22
5.5蓄能装置    25
5.6进气总阀和储气罐进气阀    26
5.7控制发射装置    27
5.7.1控制装置    27
5.7.2快排阀    27
5.8法兰结构及密封件选用    28
6 创新点    30
7 使用与维护    31
致谢    32
参考文献    33
