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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D11641 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D11641
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摘  要

Development of Disc Spring Parts Library
This article introduces a feasible method of development of the disc springs 3D part library based on Pro/E. And the disc spring parts library is successfully designed meet to the user requirements.
Firstly, this article simply introduces the development functions of Pro/E referring to this task which includes the creation of menu, the creation of the dialogue, the Pro/TOOLKIT procedure execution. Then the precept to the overall design way of disc spring library is analyzed. With an example of disc spring in detail, the development method of the disc springs part library is discussed. At last, the test of all process of three-dimension-part-model driven by database is performed indicates that the program is right, and the model can be set up quickly. The efficiency for the design of interchangeable part based on Pro/E can be increased.

Keywords: Pro/E; Disc spring parts library; Pro/TOOLKIT; Part Library


目  录
1绪论    1
1.1 CAD/CAM的发展现状    1
1.2碟形弹簧简介    2
1.3 课题的提出及意义    3
1.4 预期功能    3
1.5本论文内容    4
2  碟形弹簧零件库总体设计方案    5
2.1 碟形弹簧分类和相关国家标准    5
2.2碟簧零件库的总体结构和建库步骤    6
2.3碟簧零件库的关键技术    6
2.3.1碟形弹簧的Pro/E参数化建模    6
2.3.2碟簧尺寸数据库    7
2.3.3运用Pro/E族表功能建立碟形弹簧3维模型库    7
2.3.4碟簧零件库数据的一致描述    8
2.4开发工具的确定    9
2.5开发环境    11
2.5.1硬件开发环境    11
2.5.2 软件开发环境    12
3  碟形弹簧的结构尺寸数据库的建立    13
3.1结构尺寸数据库的内容    13
3.2碟形弹簧结构尺寸数据的录入    13
3.3建库结果    17
4  碟形弹簧2D结构图的制作    18
4.1 AUTOCAD绘图环境设置    18
4.2碟形弹簧二维图绘制的内容和方法    18
4.2.1小图绘制的要求    18
4.2.2大图绘制的要求    18
4.3基于PHOTOSHOP的碟形弹簧2D结构图制作    19
4.3.1小图具体打印的设置    19
4.3.2大图具体打印的设置    20
4.3.3小图片的photoshop处理    20
4.3.4大图的photoshop处理    23
5  碟形弹簧3D模型库的建立    26
5.1碟形弹簧的参数化建模    26
5.2模型库的建立    28
6  标准件库检索程序的开发和运行    32
6.1发工具简介    32
6.2 VISUAL C++的PROE二次开发环境配置    33
6.3程序的挂接运行和验证    36
7装配图说明    39
7.1离合器工作原理    39
8结  论    40
参考文献    41
致  谢    42
