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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D17433 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D17433
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摘  要
关键词:锻造; 突缘叉; ABAQUS; 有限元分析

Forging technology is mainly used to obtain a complex components get through  the metal materials plastic deformation, which was widely used in automobiles, general machinery parts and soon on.
In this study, a transmission shaft flange yoke is set an example, the forging technological parameters were confirmed and the forging technology designed, and also designed the forging die. Finally, the finite element software ABAQUS was introduced to the simulation of temperature and stress distribution. Via change the various kinds of forging parameters to find the proper final forging temperature and analyze the stress field. The simulation results shows the temperature field on different final forging temperature, and the stress field result show that the stress value is lowest when the final forging temperature is 1000℃, and 1000℃is the optimum temperature.
The finite element was used in the study, and the final forging temperature field and stress field were calculated, the simulation results provide a great support condition to the reasonable forging technological.
Keywords:Forge,Flange fork,ABAQUS,Finite element analysis  

目  录
摘  要    I
1 绪论    1
1.1锻造技术的发展    1
1.2锻造技术的分类    2
1.3热模锻压力机优缺点    3
1.4突缘叉锻件的应用及优缺点    3
1.5本课题研究的主要问题    4
2 锻造工艺设计    5
2.1工艺分析    5
2.2 锻件图设计    5
2.3锻造工序确定    8
2.4毛坯尺寸及工艺压力的确定    8
2.5锻造温度确定    10
3 突缘叉最佳终锻温度确定    11
3.1有限元分析软件简介    11
3.2 有限元法概述    12
3.3 突缘叉锻造问题的描述    13
3.4 ABAQUS分析的步骤    13
3.5 结果可视化    19
3.6 改变温度结果比较    20
4 突缘叉冷却分析    22
4.1突缘叉冷却分析过程    22
4.2分析结果    26
5 模具设计    28
5.1锻模结构设计    28
5.2飞边槽的选择    28
5.3顶料装置设计    29
5.4 模具材料选择    29
5.5预锻模膛设计    30
5.6制坯模膛选择    31
5.7 机锻模高度设计    31
6 总结和展望    33
6.1总结    33
6.2展望    33
参考文献    35
致  谢    36
附录A    37
