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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D17473 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D17473
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关键词 张力;带式输送机;张紧装置;PLC;动态监测

Belt conveyors are widely used in many industries. For it, the tensioning device is an integral part of it. Only when it is in normal operation can it ensure the stability of the belt conveyor. This article mainly studies and analyzes the tension device of the belt conveyor, understands the type and use of the tension device, and has a specific understanding of its normal operation.
In the research and analysis, it is necessary to have a detailed understanding of the development and history of the tensioning device. At the same time, we must compare the types of tensioning devices and understand the advantages and disadvantages of different types of tensioning devices. One of the most stable and safe tensioners. In addition, in order to enhance the stable operation of the belt conveyor and ensure its quality, it is possible to add moving pulleys and accumulators in the hydraulic cylinder, which greatly increases the use time of the belt conveyor. In addition, this article will also study and analyze the structure of the belt conveyor, understand the operating principle and characteristics of the hydraulic cylinder of the belt conveyor and its related aspects, and study the control system of the belt conveyor. Different pressure values are set to understand the differences in the operation of the belt conveyor. Based on this premise, fully combining different research results, the PLC technology is introduced into it, and the automatic control and dynamic monitoring of the conveyor can be realized.

Keywords  strain  belt conveyer  tension device  programmable control  dynamic monitoring


目       录
摘要    I
Abstract    II
1 绪论    1
1.1 带式输送机的发展及结构原理    1
1.2 张紧装置在带式输送机中的作用    1
1.3 张紧装置在国内外的发展    2
1.4 张紧装置的选用    2
1.5 安装张紧装置时所需原则    3
2 张紧力的分析及计算    4
2.1 带式输送机运行中的阻力类型    4
2.2 带式输送机稳定运行时的张力要求    6
2.3 皮带于不稳定工况下张力大小改变    8
2.4 本文张紧力的计算    8
3 液压系统总体方案设计    10
3.1 主要设计要求    10
3.2 方案确定    10
3.2.1 参考方案一    10
3.2.2 参考方案二    10
3.2.3 方案对比    12
3.3 选择装置系统的主要参数    12
4液压系统的设计    13
4.1计算液压缸的几何尺寸    13
4.2液压缸的类型以及安装形式    15
4.3活塞杆    15
4.3.1计算活塞杆    16
4.3.2 活塞杆的导向套、防尘和密封    16
4.4安装以及部件的选择设计    17
4.4.1耳轴的安装    17
4.4.2液压缸的支架设计    18
4.5确定的液压泵以及配套电机    19
4.5.1选用液压泵    19
4.5.2液压泵的分类    19
4.5.3选用液压泵的原则和根据    19
4.5.4液压泵的主要的性能参数    20
4.6电动机的选用    20
4.7电液比例溢流阀及其放大器    21
4.8 机械的结构设计    22
4.8.1 滑轮    22
4.8.2 张紧车架    22
5电控系统设计    23
5.1 控制系统的硬件组成    23
5.1.1 PLC及相关扩展模块    23
5.1.2 压力变送器    24
5.1.3 PLC控制系统的硬件配置图    25
5.2软件设计    26
5.2.1思路及流程图    26
5.2.2输入输出点地址分配    28
5.2.3参数设定    28
5.2.4带式输送机张紧装置PLC程序    29
结论    35
致谢    36
参考文献    37
