关键词: 机械手; 设计; 手部; 手臂; 机身; 结构
Industrial manipulator is nearly 10 years emerging development of a high-tech industry, its development is by leaps and bounds, the rapid development of robots reflected the progress of the industrial robot, its characteristic is by editing the homework tasks to complete various expected good programs, to have both humans and machines on structure and performance of their respective advantages and unique, especially reflects people's intelligence and adaptability, the hardiness of the machine and the ability to not hazardous, in each big development prospects in the field of a clear, with the development of industrial automation, CNC machining center, it while reduce the labor intensity of workers, sublimate the labor productivity greatly, but common loading during the n c machining process, habitual use manual or semi-automatic device of traditional relay control, time-consuming, low efficiency, while the latter because of the complexity of the structure, need a lot of relay, compare the complex wiring, easy to interference by body shaking, and there are more unreliability, prone to failure, it is not convenient to maintenance, PLC programmable control device control lines of manipulator control system is up and down movement of simple and easy, have very strong anti-interference ability, reasonable arrangement, ensure the reliability of the system operation, reduce the maintenance rate, improve the working efficiency. Manipulator technology relates to mechanics, mechanical, electrical hydraulic technology, automatic control technology, sensor technology and computer technology, etc., is an interdisciplinary field of comprehensive technology.
We design a manipulator on stage, used for conveying materials. Through to the manipulator's main part (the hand, wrist, arm, and the fuselage, etc.), to determine the main component of the structure, on the basis of design for the manipulator is calculated, which determine the general assembly.
Key words: Manipulator; design; hand; arm; fuselage; structure

目 录
第一章引言 1
1.1机械手简介 1
1.2 机械手的分类 3
第二章上料机械手的设计 5
2.1机械手的整体结构设计 5
2.2机械手的手部结构设计 5
2.3机械手的手臂结构设计 7
2.3.1缸筒内径的设计 8
2.3.2缸筒壁厚的设计 8
2.3.3缸筒壁厚的验算 9
2.3.4活塞杆校核计算 10
2.3.5缸盖螺钉的计算 10
2.3.6其他元件的确定 11
2.3.7摆动缸校核计算 11
2.4机械手的仰俯缸结构设计 13
2.4.1缸筒内径的设计 14
2.4.2缸筒壁厚的设计 14
2.4.3缸筒壁厚的验算 15
2.4.4活塞杆校核计算 16
2.4.5缸盖螺钉的计算 17
2.4.6大小力臂机构数据计算 18
2.4.7其他元件的确定 21
第三章液压系统传动方案的确定 22
3.1各液压缸的换向回路 22
3.2调速方案 22
第四章液压元件 23
4.1阀的应用 23
4.1.1压力控制阀 23
4.1.2流量(速度)控制阀 23
4.1.3泵. 23
4.2阀类的选择原则 24
4.3液压系统中的辅助装置 24
结论 26
参考文献 27
致谢 28