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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D19604 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D19604
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摘  要
关键词:  冷冲压、压力中心、模具
In this paper, the forming process of a rear track clamping mechanism is introduced, and the blank shape, size, layout and cutting plan, the determination of the nature, number and sequence of stamping process are briefly analyzed. The process force, pressure center, dimension and tolerance of the working part of the die were calculated, and the die was designed. The design and manufacture of the main parts of the die (such as punch and concave die, unloading device, cushion plate, punch fixing plate, etc.), the selection of stamping equipment, the adjustment of the gap between punch and concave die and the processing process of compiling an important part are also analyzed in detail. The detailed list of the parts needed by the die is listed, and the reasonable assembly drawing is given. By making full use of modern die manufacturing technology to improve the structure, optimize the design and optimize the process of traditional mechanical parts, the production efficiency can be greatly improved. This method has a certain reference for similar products.
Key words: cold stamping, pressure center, die


目  录
摘  要    3
第一章  零件的设计    5
1.1 零件图    5
1.2零件的工艺分析    5
1.3确定冲压工艺方案    5
1.4材料的选择    6
1.5操作与定位方式    6
1.6卸料与出件方式    6
第二章  冲压模具设计计算    8
2.1毛坯的展开计算    8
2.2排样图    8
2.3材料利用率    9
2.4冲裁力的计算    9
2.4.1落料力    9
2.5mm冲孔力    9
2.4.3卸料力    10
2.4.4推料力    10
2.4.5顶件力    10
2.4.7冲裁力的总和    10
2.5压力中心的计算    11
第三章  冲裁模间隙的确定    12
3.1间隙对冲裁件尺寸精度的影响    12
3.2间隙对模具寿命的影响    12
3.3间隙对冲裁工艺的影响    12
3.4间隙值的分析    12
第四章 工作部分尺寸计算    13
4.1刃口尺寸的计算    13
5mm冲孔凸、凹模的计算    14
第五章  工作零件结构设计    17
5.1凹模的设计    17
5.2外形凸模的设计    18
5.3内孔凸模的设计    18
第六章  辅助零件的设计    19
6.1选择模架    19
6.2模柄    19
6.3模具的闭合高度    20
第七章  装配图    21
总  结    22
致  谢    23
参考文献    24
