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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D21724 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D21724
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摘  要
关键词:柴油 燃油机 燃油撞壁 混合气形成 定容弹

Numerical simulation of diesel spray wall impinging mixing process under constant volume condition
Diesel is one of the main fuels of human beings. The invention and use of diesel engines have accelerated the progress of human civilization, which are accompanied by two major problems: fuel economy and emission of exhaust gases. In order to solve these two problems, this paper focuses on the numerical simulation of diesel fuel spray wall mixing process under constant volume condition, and introduces the research status. The application and operation process of the software STAR-CD are briefly introduced. The research content is derived.
Then the atomization model and physical model of the fuel injection wall are introduced, and the theoretical basis of the control equation, the introduction of the turbulence model, the solution of the numerical value of the differential equation and the conservation equation of the discrete liquid drop are introduced, and the introduction part of the physical model includes the breakup model, the evaporation model, the atomization model and the wall collision model.
Furthermore, for the study of the wall collision of the oil plate, according to the three factors of the environmental temperature, the environmental pressure and the injection angle, the working condition table is listed and there are seven working conditions. The change of the temperature field and the concentration field of each working condition is obtained through the calculation of the STAR-CD software and the post processing.
Finally, the full text is summed up.
Key words: diesel; diesel engine; fuel wall impinging; mixture formation; constant volume bomb.
目  录
摘  要    I
第一章 绪论    1
1.1   引言    1
1.2  研究现状    1
1.3  STAR-CD软件    2
1.4  经济性分析    3
1.5  课题研究内容    3
第二章 柴油喷雾撞壁雾化数学模型和物理模型    4
2.1  柴油喷雾撞壁雾化数学模型    4
2.1.1  控制方程的理论基础    4
2.1.2  湍流模型    5
2.1.3  微分方程的数值求解    7
2.2  柴油喷雾撞壁雾化物理模型    10
2.2.1  破碎模型    10
2.2.2  蒸发模型    11
2.2.3  Huh雾化模型    12
2.2.4  Bai的撞壁模型    14
2.3  本章小结    20
第三章 柴油喷雾平板撞壁的研究    21
3.1  柴油喷雾平板撞壁的物理模型与试验参数    21
3.1.1  设计柴油喷雾的定容燃烧室    21
3.1.2  试验参数    22
3.2  结果分析与讨论    22
3.2.1  环境温度对撞壁混合气形成的影响    22
3.2.2  环境压力对撞壁混合气形成的影响    25
3.2.3  喷射角度对撞壁混合气形成的影响    28
3.3  本章小结    32
第四章 总结    33
参考文献    34
