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关键字: 3D打印 SLA光固化 误差分析 光敏树脂
Error Analysis of SLA Photosolidification Forming
3D printing is essentially an idea of stacking layers and adding materials. It is a new material processing method. It can be used to optimize production from large building production to small nano-scale accumulation. SLA light-cured printing (Stereo Lithography Apparatus) is the longest developing and most mature printing method in 3D printing technology. Its forming method is to use photosensitive resin in 250-400 nm ultraviolet irradiation tank to polymerize and solidify layer by layer, so as to stack and form corresponding finished products. It has the advantages of high precision, high forming speed and stable operation in the production process.
SLA photocurable printing has high accuracy, which is based on its system's good error analysis and error processing ability. Therefore, the main task of this paper is to analyze the difference between theoretical curing rectangular surface and actual curing area, as well as the change of the area difference between theoretical curing area and actual curing area when the overlap degree between the facula changes, and to understand the trend of the change, so as to bring better optimization to the forming accuracy of photocuring technology.
Keywords:3D printing  SLA UV curing  Error analysis  Photosensitive resin
摘要    I
第一章 绪论    1
1.1 SLA光固化成形误差分析背景介绍    1
1.1.1 SLA光固化成形误差分析    1
1.1.2 SLA光固化成形误差分析具体实施步骤    5
1.2 本文主要内容    6
第二章 SLA打印的基本理论    7
2.1 引言    7
2.2 SLA光固化成形基本原理    7
2.3 光固化成形已有理论计算    8
2.3.1光斑直径产生的误差    9
2.3.2 扫描参数对零件精度的影响    10
2.3.3光固化3D打印机误差    12
2.3.4光固化成形材料变形带来的误差    13
2.4 本章小结    14
第三章 SLA光固化成形误差分析    15
3.1 实际工作(光固化成形误差分析)    15
3.1.1设计思路    15
3.1.2 椭圆光斑长轴的计算    16
3.1.3 椭圆光斑面积的计算    18
3.1.4 理论打印面积的计算    20
3.1.5 误差分析    21
3.2 经济性分析    23
3.2.1 基本概况    23
3.2.2 市场分析    23
3.2.3 成本计算    24
3.3 本章小结    25
第四章 总结与展望    26
参考文献    27
致谢    29
