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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D21733 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D21733
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摘  要

There are many factors affecting the composite curing deformation. Both internal factors such as the material properties of the material, overlay mode, but also external environmental factors such as mold, temperature, curing system.Mold is a very important factor of external factors affecting the composite curing deformation.There are two reasons for curing composite deformation: tool-part interaction due to thermal expansion mismatch and an uneven temperature distribution within the material caused by high heat capacity of the mold.
Explored the effects of different surface treatments of mold on the composite warpage in autoclave molding process. Mold surface with different treatments include release agent, stick isolation membrane, demoulding cloth, etc.Component of warping is measured after curing. In addition, analyzed the interaction between the mold surface and the sample by measuring tool-part friction.The results showed that the use of the insulating film and a release cloth can significantly reduce the mold plane force.
Monitored the different thickness of composite laminated plate on the surface of the mold with high heat capacity along the direction of the temperature distribution and gel process in autoclave molding process by fiber Bragg grating (FBG).And captured the laminate internal temperature gradient distribution of its curing is not synchronous, confirmed the influence of the mold with high heat capacity on material curing process and provided technical support to further study the curing residual stress distribution.
Keywords: Composite, Curing deformation, Autoclave molding, Mold, Fiber Bragg grating


目  录
摘要    I
Abstract    II
第1章 绪论    1
1.1 复合材料的应用进展    1
1.2复合材料的固化变形问题及基本成因讨论    1
1.3热压罐模具对复合材料变形的影响研究    4
1.4本文研究内容    7
第2章 模具表面对固化变形的影响    8
2.1 热压罐固化成型工艺    8
2.2 不同表面处理方式对复合材料固化变形的影响    9
2.3 模具表面情况对模具与构件间接触力的影响    11
第3章 基于FBG的厚板固化过程监测    15
3.1 基于FBG的厚板固化监测实验    15
3.2 不同厚度处的温度分布情况    17
3.3不同厚度处的凝胶过程分析    17
第4章 结论与展望    24
参考文献    25
致谢    27
