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关键词:航空 发动机 二速传动机构 故障
Fault Analysis of Two-speed Transmission Mechanism of a Certain Type of Engine
According to the traditional schedule of maintenance system is cost, power consumption, and can only give a comprehensive two-speed transmission mechanism fault detection and diagnosis.Modern aircraft engine monitoring and diagnosis systems enable maintenance personnel to obtain valuable information about the detection and diagnosis of two-speed transmission mechanism faults.This paper discusses the composition and function of modern aeroengine monitoring system and fault diagnosis system, as well as relevant monitoring and analysis parameters.The principle and constitution of the lubricating oil analysis system for aeroengine are discussed.Finally, the concrete steps and conclusions of the oil analysis of two-speed transmission mechanism are expounded through the example of cfm56-3c oil debris analysis, which provides a theoretical basis for the monitoring trend analysis of two-speed transmission mechanism.
In this paper, based on the relevant technical data, through the exploration and opportunity of practical work, combined with the experience of troubleshooting, taking a certain type of engine as the main object, the working principle of the type of two-speed drive mechanism starting system is comprehensively and systematically expounded, and the external factors affecting the starting are explained and analyzed.Hope to be able to help you further familiar with and understand the two-speed drive mechanism starting system overview.
Key words: Aviation The engine Two-speed transmission The fault
摘要 1
目录 2
1、绪论 4
1.1 选题背景及意义 4
1.1.1 某型发动机的可靠性技术 4
1.1.2 现代发动机状态监视与故障诊断技术 4
1.2 发展现状 5
1.3 研究目的与意义 6
2 二速传动机构状态监视与故障诊断系统 7
2.1 状态监视与故障诊断系统组成 7
2.1.1 系统组成 7
2.1.2 系统过程 8
2.2 二速传动机构的功能和效益 8
2.2.1二速传动机构状态监控与故障诊断系统功能 8
2.2.2 二速传动机构状态监控与故障诊断系统效益 10
2.3 状态监视和故障诊断方法 11
2.4 二速传动机构状态监视和故障诊断系统 13
2.4.1 监控参数 13
2.4.2系统功能和特点 13
2.5 发展前景 15
3 滑油系统监视与分析 17
3.1 概述 17
3.2 滑油系统工作监视 18
3.2.1 滑油压力 18
3.2.2 滑油温度 18
3.2.3 滑油量监视 19
3.2.4 油滤旁路指示器 19
3.3 滑油屑末监视 19
3.3.1 屑末的收集 19
3.3.2 屑末分析 20
3.4 滑油光谱分析 20
3.4.1 滑油光谱分析原理 20
3.4.2 取样及分析 21
3.5 滑油铁谱分析 22
3.5.1 工作原理 22
3.5.2 取样及分析 22
3.6 三种技术的比较 23
4 CFM56-3C发动机构滑油碎屑分析 24
4.1 概述 24
4.2 实验分析 24
4.2.1体视显微镜观察 24
4.2.2 扫描电镜观察及能谱分析 24
5 结论 26
参考文献 27
致谢 28 |