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摘  要


Piston type compressor is a new type compressor, this is a kind of compressed air to increase the gas pressure or gas transportation machinery. There is a wide range of uses, plays a very important role in national economy, especially in the petroleum, chemical and other industries has become the essential equipment. Parameters through the performance test after the state of the compressor to measure, so the choice of test performance has play a decisive role position in the design and development process for the compressor. The design of the main thermodynamic calculation, calculation and drawing configuration parameters according to the task book provides compressor. Thermodynamic calculation, dynamic compressor design is the basic, and is one of the most important work, according to the requirements of the task book provides parameters, calculated after the compressor related parameters, such as the volumetric efficiency, the diameter of the cylinder, power, force is obtained through dynamic calculation of piston compressor. Thermal piston compressor calculation, dynamic calculation results will provide original data for each component of graphics and basic design, the calculated results reflect the grade of the compressor design.

Keywords: piston compressor, thermodynamic calculation, The main parts design

摘  要    V
目录    VII
1.绪论    1
1.1本课题的研究内容和意义    1
1.2国内外的发展    1
1.3本课题应达到的要求    1
2.结构设计    2
2.1主要参数及设计原则    2
2.2结构方案的选择    2
3.压缩机热力计算    4
3.1计算压力分配比    4
3.2 计算容积系数    4
3.3确定压力系数    4
3.4确定温度系数    5
3.5确定泄漏系数    5
3.6计算气缸工作容积    5
3.7确定缸径,行程及行程容积    5
3.8复算压力或调整余隙容积    5
3.9计算最大活塞力    6
3.10计算排气温度    7
3.11计算功率    7
3.12计算等温效率    7
3.13选用电动机    7
4.压缩机动力计算    8
4.1计算意义    8
4.2参考数值    8
4.2运动计算    8
4.3气体力计算    10
4.4往复惯性力计算    12
4.5切向力计算    15
4.6飞轮矩计算    17
5.压缩机基本零部件设计    20
5.1曲轴    20
5.1.1曲轴    20
5.1.2曲轴设计基本原则:    20
5.1.3曲轴基本尺寸确定    20
5.1.4曲轴材料    21
5.1.5曲轴强度    22
5.2 连杆    23
5.2.1连杆的定位    23
5.2.2连杆的尺寸    24
5.3活塞    27
6.结论与展望    29
6.1结论    29
6.2展望    29
致谢    30
参考文献    31
