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In the production of products of molding press is one of the most widely used equipment. Since the 19th century its development is fast, has become an essential equipment in industrial production. Because of the extensive adaptability press at work, so that in the sectors of the national economy has been widely used. Such as sheet forming, pipe extrusion line, powder metallurgy, plastic and rubber molding, plywood, packaging, synthetic diamond, oppression and refractory carbon very pressing molding, wheel pressed, straightening, etc.
Along with the development of technology, hydraulic press used more widely, especially in 150 tons of hydraulic pressing and molding application, according to the hydraulic press’ application , I designed "150t hydraulic press hydraulic system", this system can realize the work cycle-down link rapidly-compression slowly pressure-keeping-the quick return-stop. Requiring to keep the balance of hydraulic movement. Don't consider various losses. This design has made system design, selection of system components of non-standard parts, the structure design, performance, and completed specifications, drawing computations such tasks.
Keywords:  hydraulic press system design ,the way in the hydraulic ,the  balance  of  hydraulic movement

目 录
前 言    1
第一章 液压传动概述    2
1.1液压传动的定义和发展情况    2
1.2液压传动的组成    3
1.3液压传动的定义和发展情况    4
1.4液压传动的特点及应用    4
第二章 液压系统的设计与计算    5
2.1 液压系统的设计步骤和方法    5
2.2 液压系统的工况分析和系统的确定    5
2.3 确定液压系统的主要参数    6
2.4 液压系统的拟定    7
2.5 液压元件的计算和选择    10
第3章  液压机液压系统的设计    13
3.1 150t液压机液压系统工况分析    13
     3.1.1 工况分析    13
     3.1.2负载图和速度图的绘制    13
3.2液压机液压系统原理图设计    14
     3.2.1 自动补油的保压回路设计    15
     3.2.2液压机液压系统原理图拟定    16
3.3  液压系统的计算和元件选型    18
     3.3.1 确定液压缸主要参数    18
     3.3.2液压元件的选择    19
3.4 液压系统的验算    24
     3.4.1系统温升的验算    24
3.5   液压缸的结构设计    25
3.6液压集成油路的设计    28
     3.6.1液压集成回路设计    28
     3.6.2底板及供油块设计    28
3.7  液压油箱结构设计    29
参考文献    31
结 论    32
