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点胶机器人是机器人系统的一个重要分支, 由于它能进入人类工业生产,并代替了手工业生产,近几十年来受到了广泛的关注。本文主要介绍了它的概念,设计原理,组成,调试等分析。全自动点胶机机器人是在多年运动控制技术的基础上研发的高速度,高精度。适应多种产品点胶,涂胶的自动化设备。,桌面式点胶机是高机密机械。自动控制以及精确点胶控制技术于一体的高科技产品,其核心是基于世界上先进的PSP智能型运动控制系统,本文所介绍的点胶机具有功能强,编程简单,操作方便,价格低等优点,适用于各种点胶产业。

Robot Dispensing Robot is an important branch of the system, because it can enter the human industrial production, and instead of handicraft production, in recent decades by a wide range of concerns. This paper introduces the concept of it, design principles, composition, debugging and other analysis. Automatic dispensing robot motion control in the multi-year technology research and development based on high-speed, high precision. To adapt to a variety of products dispensing, coating of the automation equipment. , Desktop-type machine dispensing a high confidentiality. Automatic control and precise dispensing control technology in one high-tech products, its core is based on the PSP world's advanced intelligent motion control system This article has introduced dispensing functions, and programming is simple, easy to operate, and low price for dispensing a variety of industries.
Key words: Dispensing, testing, mechanical and electrical integration, an overview of design, component

目   录
第一章 点胶机的概述    1
1.1点胶机和点胶的定义    1
1.2点胶机的品牌    1
1.3点胶机的应用领域    1
1.4点胶机的发展前景    2
第二章 点胶机的组成及特点    3
2.1点胶机器人    3
2.2编程器    3
2.3点胶控制器    5
第三章 点胶机的选型    6
3.1点胶机器人    6
3.2点胶阀    7
3.3点胶控制器    7
3.4点胶针头    8
3.4.1点胶针头的选择方法    9
3.4.2常用的针头    11
3.5编程器    12
3.6胶水    12
3.7AB胶压力桶    14
第四章 点胶机的调试    16
4.1点胶机的安装    16
4.2点胶机的试运行    17
4.3点胶过程    18
第五章 点胶    19
5.1点胶工艺分析    19
5.1.1点胶工艺的优缺点    19
5.1.2.点胶过程中的工艺    19
5.2机台存在的不良情况    20
5.3如何有效而快速的排除胶阀的问题    21
第六章 点胶机的设计理念    23
总结    24
答谢辞    25
参考资料    26
