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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D21794 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D21794
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摘  要

With the continuous development of our country construction enterprise, and constantly improve the infrastructure construction, from all walks of life such as municipal construction, urban sanitation for the requirement of increasing the material handling, increased the demand for dump truck this kind of special vehicles, promote the development of dump truck industry and continuous improvement.
The purpose of this paper is to design a 12.5 tons of heavy mining equipments, by adopting the combination of theoretical analysis and computer simulation method, design mainly divided into two parts: the first from the car type selection, structure form, such as main parameters for the overall design; On the other hand, the related parameters according to the dump truck and the use environment, the lifting mechanism of dump truck structure form selection, parameter design, and using the ADAMS software to build models and simulation analysis, reasonable structure and reliable performance design results are obtained.
Through this topic research, to improve the level and capacity of dump truck special-purpose automobile design, reduce the production cost of dump truck, improve market share, for the social production and manufacturing special purpose vehicle safety, energy conservation and environmental protection.
Key Words:Dump truck; Overall layout design; The ADAMS software. The lifting mechanism


第1章 绪论    1
1.1 课题的研究背景    1
1.2 课题研究的目的和意义    1
1.2.1 课题研究的目的    1
1.2.2课题研究的意义    1
1.3 国内外自卸车的研究现状    2
1.4 课题的设计内容    3
1.5 课题的预期目标    4
1.6 本章小结    4
第2章 12.5吨自卸车的总体设计    5
2.1 车辆的类型与结构选择    5
2.1.1 自卸车结构形式的确定    5
2.1.2 自卸车的车厢结构形式的确定    6
2.1.3 自卸车举升机构结构形式的确定    6
2.2 车辆主要尺寸和质量参数的确定    8
2.2.1 主要尺寸参数的确定    8
2.2.2 质量参数的确定    8
2.3 汽车性能参数的确定    10
2.3.1 动力性参数    10
2.3.2 燃油经济性参数    14
2.3.3 静态稳定性参数    14
2.4 本章小结    15
第3章 举升机构的设计及ADAMS虚拟模型的建立    16
3.1 参数的初步确定    16
3.2 建立自卸车举升机构的虚拟样机模型    16
3.2.1 建立构件    17
3.2.2 创建约束    19
3.2.3 创建驱动副    20
3.3 模型检查    20
3.4本章小结    22
第4章 举升机构的仿真分析及结构改进    23
4.1 举升机构仿真结果分析    23
4.2 举升机构模型结构的改进与优化    25
4.3本章小结    26
第5章 货厢及举升机构部件设计    27
5.1自卸车货厢的设计    27
5.1.1车厢整体结构布置设计    27
5.1.2 车厢侧板及前后板总成设计    27
5.2 举升机构三角臂的设计    28
5.3举升机构拉杆的设计    29
5.4本章小结    30
第6章 结论    31
参考文献    32
致谢    34
