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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D21855 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D21855
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摘   要

During the operation of hydraulic engineering, whether the vibration of the gate will cause the vibration of the pier, which leads to the loss of stability or deformation of the structure of the pier. Be sure to consider the security issues. In each water conservancy project, the plane gate of the steel structure is an important part, the vibration of the gate affects the operation of the whole water conservancy project. Therefore, it is very necessary to study the vibration test system of plane gate.
In this test, the analysis of vibration signal is mainly based on time domain analysis. Using vibration sensor, the specific circumstances of the plane gate vibration measurement, and measurement of vibration signal in the form of displacement, velocity and acceleration of the unit performance, the accumulation of a large number of experimental data, get enough sample function, the probability statistical characteristic parameters are obtained. Then carries on the data analysis.
This experiment selects adxl345 three-axis acceleration sensor, sensor chip encapsulated by the LGA package form, the overall sensor made of waterproof, seal and compressive structure, selection of M6 connector for sensor output connector form. Finally, combined with inv306 digital signal processor constitutes the test of vibration system.
Keywords: plane gate, vibration sensor, vibration measurement, digital signal processing system


摘要    I
第1章 绪论    1
1.1课题背景及意义    1
1.2水工平面闸门振动的激励机理及测试意义    1
第2章 振动传感器的设计    2
2.1振动测试原理    3
2.1.1振动量    3
2.1.2 周期振动与简谐振动    4
2.1.3 振动参数    5
2.2 振动传感器    6
2.2.1 振动传感器原理简介和性能指标    6
2.2.2 三轴加速度传感器的结构设计    10
2.2.3 三轴加速度传感器芯片的选用    17
2.3本章小结    18
第3章 振动测试系统的设计    19
3.1大容量数据自动采集和信号处理系统    19
3.2 测试系统和内容    21
3.2.1测试系统    21
3.2.2测试内容    23
3.3本章小结    23
第4章 测试数据与图形    24
4.1 1#闸门各运行工况振动监测分析    24
4.1.1 测点信息    24
4.1.2 振动趋势分析    24
4.2 倒管过程振动监测分析    28
4.2.1 测点信息    28
4.2.2 振动趋势分析    28
4.3 2#闸门大流量时振动监测分析    31
4.3.1 测点信息    31
4.3.2振动分析    32
4.4本章小结    35
第5章 分析与讨论    36
5.1 闸门结构动态特性分析与讨论    36
5.2 闸门振动监测数据分析与讨论    36
附 录    40
