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摘 要
关键词:  焊接机器人;齿形带传动;谐波减速器;五自由度
Welding Robot With Five Degrees Of Freedom
According to incomplete statistics, nearly half of the world's industrial robots in service are used for welding. The most common application of welding robot are in two main ways, spot welding and arc welding. The welding robot we are talking about is actually industrial robots which are doing the work in the welding tasks instead of welding production welder. Some of this welding robot is specially designed for welding while most of them are actually a common industrial robot fitted with a welding tool. In multi-task environment, a robot can even complete many kinds of work including the grasp of welding, handling, installation, welding, unloading and other tasks,. Therefore, in a sense, the history of the development of industrial robots is the history of the development of welding robot.
    It is well known that the welding processing on one hand requires on skilled operational skills, rich practical experience and stable level of welding; on the other hand, welding is a work with poor working conditions, dust, and heat radiation and high-risk. The emergence of industrial robots first makes people naturally think of using it to replace the manual welding to reduce labor intensity. But also it ensures the welding quality and enhances the efficiency of welding.
    The robot I designed is a DOF arc welding robot. The design statement mainly include design of robot's drive system and the its composition, the choice of motor, design of bevel gear and verification, the principle of harmonic reducer and its choice, wrist Check the Department of rotational axis, the choice of rolling bearings and its checking and so on.
Key Word:  welding robot; profile belt transmission; harmonic reducer; 5-DOF


前言    4
1.1总述    4
1.2本产品的意义    5
1.4焊机机构设计研究现状与发展趋势    8
1.5选题的依据及意义    8
1.5.1选题的依据    8
1.5.2选题的意义    9
1.6运动学分析的常用方法    9
1.1工业机器人弧焊工作站的工作任务:    12
1.5点焊    14
1.6,设计示意图    16
2设计基本思路    17
2.1总体设计思路及内容    17
2.2结构设计    18
1— 机座  2—转台  3—腰座  4—腕部  5—小臂  6—大臂    18
2.1.2 自由度和坐标系的选择    19
2.2设计传动方案    20
2.1驱动—传动系统的构成    20
3焊接机器人的结构设计    21
3.1驱动器    21
3.2大臂的设计    34
3.2.1电动机选择:    34
3.2.2谐波齿轮减速器的选择    35
3.2.3轴的计算    35
一、轴的结构设计    35
二、轴的校核    36
4.总结    37
参考文献    38
致  谢    39
