Design of Feed Manipulator
摘 要
关键字: 机械手;AutoCAD;Solidworks;液压系统
The development of science and technology is getting better and better, so artificial intelligence has also made rapid progress. The most typical is the hydraulic loading manipulator, a variety of hydraulic loading manipulators. These hydraulic loading manipulators are used in various fields and are inseparable for the current high-tech. Now, industrial production is automated. Many difficult working environments or work inconvenient for some people are completed by hydraulic loading robots. The civilization of our human society is progressing. These progresses are closely related to the hydraulic loading manipulator. At present, the hottest scientific issue is the design of the hydraulic loading manipulator. In our country, although the research start time of the hydraulic loading manipulator is slower than other European and American countries, the level of hydraulic feeding manipulator in China has reached a very high level.
This graduation project is a hydraulic loading manipulator, its structural design and gait research. According to the needs, and in contact with the nature of the motor drive, the hydraulic loading manipulator operator of the hydraulic loading manipulator of some transmission devices is adopted. The practicality of the hydraulic loading manipulator produced is relatively high. This design is to use the knowledge we usually learn and some auxiliary links, the purpose is to initially understand the design process of electromechanical transmission. Drawing is the most critical in design. Drawings can show the content clearly, and it is also a certain test of our design level.
Key Words: Manipulator;AutoCAD;Solidworks;Hydraulic system
2.1.3 手爪参数和驱动力的计算
根据设计任务书得知, 在本次设计的设计当中设置机械手手的手抓夹紧力为500N,即克服工件自重的静载荷和工件运动状态变化的惯性力的载荷。根据图形中手爪的结构推测手爪当中的a结构尺寸为30mm,b结构的尺寸为65mm,a角的度数为40°。
F实=FK1K2/η (2-3)

目 录
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 机器人 1
1.2 机械手 4
1.3 课题研究意义 5
第2章 机械手抓取机构设计 6
2.1手指手爪的设计计算 6
2.1.1 手指手爪设计要求 6
2.1.2 手指手爪的力学分析 7
2.1.3 手爪参数和驱动力的计算 8
2.1.4 手爪定位误差分析 9
2.1.5 手爪驱动油缸设计 11
2.2腕部设计计算 13
2.2.1 腕部设计要求 13
2.2.2 腕部驱动力矩设计计算 13
2.2.3 腕部摆动液压马达设计 16
2.3 臂伸缩机构设计计算 17
2.3.1 臂伸缩机构设计要求 17
2.3.2 臂伸缩机构油缸的设计计算 18
2.3.3 直线导轨滑块导向机构设计 20
第3章 机身机座的结构设计 21
3.1 机身升降机构设计 22
3.1.1 升降油缸设计 22
3.1.2 升降导向结构设计 23
3.2 机身回转机构设计 23
3.2.1 驱动电机设计计算 24
3.2.2 机身回转支撑结构设计计算 25
第4章 液压系统原理设计 27
4.1供油装置系统原理设计 28
4.2手爪油缸液压原理 29
4.3 腕部摆动液压马达原理 30
4.4 臂部伸缩油缸液压原理 31
4.5 机身升降油缸液压原理 32
4.6机械手总体液压系统原理图 33
第5章 机械手的定位和控制 35
5.1机械手的定位 35
5.2 机械手的控制 36
总 结 37
参考资料 39
致 谢 41