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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D21943 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D21943
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关键词:建筑机械  擦窗机  单臂伸缩  设计计算
The design of single arm telescopic wipe window machine
     Along with the development of human society, more and more of the high-rise building stand up.As a symbol of the city and company,there are much beautiful adornment material outside of the top building. It brings people good visual experience and causes a lot of problems at the same time, one of which is the external wall cleaning.In order to make the buildings remain youthful forever, slow down the ageing process of the urban construction caused by natural environment pollution and its external wall of the regular safety maintenance, cleaning ,raise much attention. The system of safe, practical and efficient cleaning maintenance outside walls - wipe window machine has become a necessary equipment of high-grade property management.
This topic is about wipe window machine device design calculation ,the main research content are as follows:
1.Wipe window machine is summarized.
    2.The arm retractable gondola track, running gear, chassis, column, boom, telescopic crane, slewing, hoisting systems are described
    3.With reference to wipe window machine GB19154 -2003 and Mechanical design manual,motor is selected,wheel pressure is calculated and checked,as well as the safety system is analyzed.
Key words:building machinery;wipe window machine; single arm telescopic;design calculation


目 录
摘要    I
Abstract    II
第一章 绪论    1
1.1擦窗机发展概况    1
1.2本文研究内容    2
1.3擦窗机的定义及作用    2
1.4擦窗机的分类与选型    2
第二章 单臂伸缩型擦窗机结构设计    6
2.1主要技术参数    6
2.2擦窗机轨道设计    7
2.3行走机构的设计    9
2.4底架、立柱、臂架的设计    11
2.5伸缩吊臂的设计    12
2.6卷扬系统的设计    14
2.7控制系统的设计    17
2.8羊角臂头装置的设计    19
2.9安全锁的选用    22
2.10擦窗机的安装与维护    23
第三章 单臂伸缩型擦窗机计算    26
3.1吊篮减速电机的选择    26
3.1.1电动机的选择    26
3.1.3确定电动机的转速    27
3.2信号传送方式和钢丝绳选择    28
3.3擦窗机轮压分析计算及校核    31
3.3.1轮压分析计算    32
3.3.2轮压校核    36
3.3.3结论    40
3.4 安全系统分析    41
3.4.1卷筒制动器(后备制动器)    41
第四章 结语    45
参考文献    46
致谢    48
