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1、    擦窗机的结构和类型
2、    擦窗机的工作原理
3、    擦窗机的选型和力学分析
4、    对设计出的擦窗机进行安全分析并对一些关键安全部件进行强度校核
关键词: 擦窗机 羊角臂

  The rapid development of city modernization at the same time, all sorts of modeling is novel, has a gorgeous glass curtain wall of tall and super-tall buildings sprang up. But, the glass curtain wall is often cast a thick layer of dust, seriously affect the appearance. So we need a convenient and effective, for building exterior wall maintenance equipment – gondola. Gondola is in hoisting machinery and develops on the basis of a kind of architectural special-purpose machinery. The Angle of actual use of understanding, is a kind of very can lift the hanging baskets and suspended institutions, suitable for buildings have clean and maintenance and outside the emergency manned mechanical equipment.
This design for one arm gondola, main research content:
1、    The structure and type of gondola
2、    The working principle of gondola
3、    The selection and mechanics analysis of gondola
4、    Make a safety analysis of the design of gondola and check strongly on some critical safety components
Keywords: Gondola rotating the arm Active wheel


目  录
摘要    I
Abstract    II
第一章 绪论    1
1.1擦窗机的发展概况    1
1.2本文研究内容    2
第二章 擦窗机结构介绍和方案设计    3
2.1擦窗机的结构介绍    3
2.2台车    3
2.3吊篮    4
2.4电气系统    4
2.5 安全锁    5
2.6 系统结构    6
2.6.1工作平台    6
2.6.2提升机构    6
2.6.3安全装置    7
2.6.4钢丝绳    7
2.6.5悬挂机构    7
2.6.6电气系统    7
2.7 工作平台的安装和拆除    8
第三章 擦窗机相关计算和校核    10
3.1设计参数    11
3.2卷绕系统    12
3.3起升机构布置形式    12
3.4 起升机构设计计算    13
3.4.1钢丝绳的选型计算    13
3.4.2滑轮选型计算    16
3.4.3卷筒设计的相关参数    18
3.4.4卷筒钢丝绳的固定    20
3.4.5卷筒强度计算    21
3.4.5 电动机的选型    23
3.5吊臂受力分析    26
3.6抗倾覆系数验算    32
第四章 结语    33
参考文献    34
致谢    36
