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关键词:石油采收率  热采注气装置  节能环保
     China is in the rapid development of industrialization, the demand for oil and gasification products is sustained, and consumption is growing, so it is very important to develop and reasonably utilize the limited petroleum resources.. Countries in the world and the oil giant to hesitate to invest heavily used in oil and gas exploration and equipment, combined with a number of oil heat extraction and thermal engineering experts and professors, after ten years of efforts, and finally developed a can greatly enhance oil recovery, reduce mining cost of heat production gas injection device, PN15 high-pressure gas injection.
PN15 high-pressure gas injection is using combustion science and fluid mechanics, heat transfer, engineering thermodynamics principle and engineering technology, produce high temperature and high pressure mixed gas (temperature 150-350 degree, pressure 16-20mpa), directly into the reservoir, is a new technology of thermal recovery and new equipment. The equipment is simple, convenient transport, high degree of automation, safe and reliable. Can replace or supplement the traditional process of boiler single steam injection, is a kind of energy-saving environmentally friendly products. In recent years, Daqing, Yanan, Shengli, Jilin, North China and foreign oilfields have been used in the Liaohe River, and have achieved good economic results and social benefits.
Keywords:Oil recovery;Thermal recovery gas injection device;Energy saving and environmental protection



摘要    I
Abstract    II
目录    i
第一章  绪论    1
1.1注气机发展背景    1
1.2注气机研究现状    2
第二章  注气机的性质    4
2.1注气机的主要结构    4
2.2注气机的基本原理    5
2.3注气机的特点    6
2.4 术语与定义    6
2.5型号与基本参数    7
第三章  注气机的相关工艺计算    8
3.1内压圆筒校核    8
3.2内压斜锥壳校核    12
第四章  发生器头部平盖有限元强度计算    13
4.1概述    13
4.2.1结构设计    13
4.2.2应力计算参数    13
4.3结构分析    14
4.3.1力学模型    12
4.3.2单元选择    15
4.3.3边界条件    16
4.4有限元应力计算    16
4.5强度评定    19
4.5.1应用规范及强度确定依据    19
4.5.2具体结构强度评定    20
4.6结论    20
第五章  控制系统的设计    21
5.1引言    21
5.2 控制系统总体功能分析    21
5.2.1控制系统主要功能    21
5.2.2控制系统人机交互物理量    22
5.2.3控制系统数据采集量    22
5.2.4关于智能化计算与启停控制    23
5.3控制系统设计步骤    23
5.4控制系统设计方案    24
5.4.1单片机选型    24
5.4.2系统中的开关量    25
5.4.3硬件电路设计    25
第六章  附录    27
结束语    29
致谢    32
