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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D25619 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D25619
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摘  要
In recent years, with the development of robot technology, multi fingered dexterous hand gradually replaced the traditional robot end of the gripper, is used in many areas of High Technology such as aerospace, nuclear energy development, ocean exploration and so on, whether domestic or foreign, multi fingered dexterous hand has been the rapid development, covering machinery, materials and control subjects, and gradually become the a special field of study. In order to meet the above needs, this paper designs a tendon driven fingers dexterous hand, including the structural design of the palm and fingers, as well as the tendon rope driving scheme.
Firstly, with the hand physiological structure and skeletal anatomy as the theoretical foundation, obtains the dexterous hand with each finger of the required number of degrees of freedom, the dexterous hand mechanical structure design, which includes joint coupling mechanism design.And then analyzes the transmission principle of tendon rope, and the design of the tendon tension distribution algorithm.Tendon rope material and the drive motor selection, and design the corresponding drive mechanism.To test design scheme if can achieve reasonable results, completed the kinematics and dynamics simulation of Adams of the five fingered dexterous hand and the results show that the design scheme is reasonable and feasible.
Key Words:five fingered dexterous hand;tendon rope drive;structure design;ADAMS simulation


第一章绪论    1
1.1 项目的研究背景及意义    1
1.2 国内外的研究现状分析    2
1.2.1 内置型多指灵巧手的国内外现状    2
1.2.2外置型多指灵巧手的国内外现状    4
1.3 本文的研究内容及预期目标    6
第二章仿人五指灵巧手机械结构设计    7
2.1 引言    7
2.2 五指灵巧手的设计原则    7
2.3 五指灵巧手设计的理论基础    7
2.4 灵巧手机械结构设计    9
2.4.1 灵巧手整体设计    10
2.4.2 灵巧手手指设计    11
2.4.3 四连杆耦合机构的设计    13
2.4.4 腱绳传动系统    14
2.4.5 腱绳固定装置    16
2.4.6 关节处各个腱绳的张力分配    17
2.4.7 前臂和手腕的结构设计    18
2.4.8 腱绳材料及驱动部件的选型    19
2.4.9 腱绳及腕部驱动机构    20
2.5 本章小结    21
第三章仿人五指灵巧手的ADAMS仿真    22
3.1 仿真软件的选用及模型的导入    22
3.2 灵巧手的运动学仿真    23
3.3 灵巧手的动力学仿真    24
3.4 本章小结    26
第四章总结与展望    28
4.1 全文总结    28
4.2 研究展望    28
4.3 经济性分析    28
参考文献    30
致谢    32
