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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D25636 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D25636
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摘  要
Nowadays,in the development of science and technology process,Automation and intelligence of mechanical is one of the main current trends. In recent years, the production automation technology development speed faster, the designers in different factories, such as automobiles, tractors, bearings, electrical machines designed and manufactured many different automation machine and automatic production lines, whereby factories labor productivity and the level of production technology and the working conditions of workers also improved.
Bearing is a kind of standard general mechanical parts, the main role is supporting shaft and maintain the accuracy of shaft position, bearing is very common in daily production and life, has a very large role. Bearing a lot of classification, the very important one is needle roller bearing. Because of needle bearing structure characteristics, in before the riveting process, most of the factories use hand riveted joint assembly, a waste of time and effort, the increase of labor productivity has a great limitation. Therefore, the automation of needle roller bearings riveted already no time to delay.
In this paper, the design of automatic feed feed riveting machine designed parts of automobile universal joint needle roller bearing, the main characteristics is cheap, simple operation, high degree of automation, high production efficiency, convenient maintenance, riveting process more accurate and reliable. The riveting machine can replace most of the workers labor, production efficiency can be greatly improved, so the development prospects are very optimistic.
Through the riveting machine parameters of main components of the design and calculation of design can meet the production equipment, through the SolidWorks and AutoCAD software of parts and components for modeling and assembly, and ultimately determine the main components of the design parameters, and basically complete the preliminary design of the equipment and draw the correct conclusions.
Key Words:needle bearing;Feeding automation;Automatic feeding riveting machine

1.2.2 设计要求
铆接机的铆接件是万向节滚针轴承,型号为INA HK1010,一般安装于汽车传动轴中。


目  录
第一章 绪论    1
1.1 设计意义及目的    1
1.1.1 设计意义    1
1.1.2 设计目的    1
1.2 设计题目及要求    1
1.2.1 设计题目    1
1.2.2 设计要求    1
1.3 课题内容及工作量    1
1.3.1 课题内容    1
1.3.2 工作量    2
1.4 自动送料铆接机研究现状    2
第二章 研究的基本内容及技术方案的拟定    3
2.1 课题的提出    3
2.2 自动送料铆接机的运动分析    3
2.3技术方案的拟定    3
2.3.1自动送料装置    3
2.3.2铆接装置    4
第三章 自动送料装置    5
3.1振动送料装置的工作原理    5
3.2工件在轨道上的受力分析    6
3.3工件的运动情况分析    7
3.3.1运动分析     7
3.3.2运动状态     8
3.4工件在轨道上滑移和跳跃的条件    13
3.4.1滑移条件    13
3.4.2产生跳跃的条件    13
3.5振动料斗的设计    14
3.5.1圆盘料斗    14
3.5.2整料挡块    18
3.5.3支承弹簧    18
3.6上座及底盘的设计    23
3.6.1 上座的设计    23
3.6.2 底盘的设计    24
3.7电磁铁    26
3.7.1电磁铁的选型    28
3.8其他设计    31
3.9工作台    31
第四章 结论    34
