With the growing prosperity of international trade, the ocean logistics bulk carriers increasingly towards the direction of large-scale development. As the major bulk cargo wharf handling equipment of bridge type grab unloading ship machine also continuous innovation and development.The metal structure as the main structure of ship unloader, structure size, and load condition is complex, high safety requirements. In the design process, the strength, rigidity and stability of the metal structure must be checked strictly according to the design code.
This paper mainly study bridge type grab unloading ship machine of wheel pressure, anti-overturning stability checking calculation, and calculation portion of the girder strength under various conditions, stiffness, stability calculation according to the crane design specification,. This paper to 1250t/h bridge type grab unloading ship machine as an example, combined with the crane design standard GB/T3811-2008, for unloading ship machine as a whole under various conditions anti overturning stability check and calculate the condition of maximum wheel pressure value; and bridge type grab unloading machine ship girder is reasonably simplified, the typical operating conditions, to beam strength, stiffness, stability check calculation, and put forward to strengthen the local stability of beam concrete measures.
Key Words:bridge type grab ship unloader;machine design;girder
G(t)-重量(t) H(m)-重心高度(m)
轨距(m) 海侧轮数 路侧轮数 海侧基距(m) 路侧基距(m)
24 16 16 18 18
第1章绪论 1
1.1研究背景及国内外现状 1
1.2研究目的及意义 2
第2章1250t/h桥式抓斗卸船机整体设计 3
2.1基本参数 3
2.1.1符号说明 3
2.1.2金属结构部分 4
2.1.3整机固定部分 7
2.1.4前大梁总成 7
2.1.5整机重量及重心 8
2.1.6小车总成 10
2.1.7风载荷计算 13
2.2稳定性验算 20
2.2.1静载工况 20
2.2.2动态稳定性 21
2.2.3非工作最大风载荷时的稳定性 23
2.2.4钢丝绳断裂时的稳定性 25
2.3轮压的计算 26
2.3.1起重机处于工作状态 26
2.3.2起重机处于非工作状态 27
第3章 1250t/h桥式抓斗卸船机后大梁的设计计算 29
3.1.主要设计参数与设计标准 29
3.1.1主要参数 29
3.1.2设计标准 30
3.1.3许用应力 30
3.2.载荷及载荷组合 31
3.2.1载荷及载荷系数 31
3.2.2风载荷 31
3.2.3载荷组合 32
3.3小车位置计算 32
3.4截面几何性质计算 33
3.5后大梁的设计计算 34
3.5.1后大梁的内力计算 34
3.5.2后大梁危险界面的强度校核 41
3.5.3后大梁的刚度计算 44
3.5.4后大梁的稳定性计算 45
3.6经济性分析 47
第4章总结与展望 48
参考文献 49
致谢 50