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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D27165 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D27165
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摘   要

For the past few years, liquid crystal technology has developed rapidly, and more and more products with liquid crystal panels have become a necessity in People's Daily life. In order to adapt to the increasing demand for customers to monitor usage, we in addition to meet the high speed, high resolution, wide viewing angles corresponding requirements, such as still need to do at leastthreepoints toemerge from a competitive market at home and abroad, improve productivity and reduce the costs, and guarantee the product quality to enhance the competitiveness of product markets. The best solution is to move towards industry 4.0 and achieve higher levels of industrial automation.
In this paper, based on the actual production situation of enterprises, the application of mechanical design, sensors and other relevant knowledge and PLC control theory, the design introduces an automatic machine to realize the removal of the cutting post. The machine can simulate hands of person toremove the waste.In addition,it can blow off the chips of glass by using its wind knife,which is in order to improve the processing quality of the follow-up process and reduce the generation of defective products.
Keywords:Liquid crystal technology; Cutting; Automation; PLC; Mechanism design


摘   要    I
Abstract    II
第1章 绪论    1
1.1论文研究背景及研究对象    1
1.1.1 论文的研究背景    1
1.1.2 论文的研究对象    2
1.2国内外现状    2
1.3论文工作的目的和意义    3
1.4论文的主要研究内容    3
第2章 自动去额料装置设计方案确定    5
2.1切割制程简介    5
2.2车间生产现况分析    5
2.3设计方案确定    6
第3章 自动去额料装置关键机构的设计    7
3.1零件材料的选择    7
3.2 AutoCAD二维图纸绘制    7
3.2.1推片及定位销    7
3.2.2风刀固定机构    8
3.2.3平台    9
3.2.4气缸固定机构    11
3.2.5机台大底板    12
3.3 Solidworks三维建模    12
3.3.1 模拟手剥额料机构    13
3.3.2 风刀机构    13
3.4运动仿真    13
第4章 去额料装置自动控制的实现    15
4.1确定控制要求    15
4.2选择和确定I/O设备    16
4.2.1光电传感器    16
4.2.2 电磁阀    16
4.3 PLCI/O分配设计    18
4.3.1统计I/O点数并选择PLC型号    18
4.3.2 I/O端子的分配及接线图    18
4.4 设计PLC控制程序    19
4.4.1手动操作    19
4.4.2自动运行    20
4.5 人机交互设计    21
4.5.1触摸屏型号选择    22
4.5.2人机界面设计    22
第5章 自动去额料装置总体设计    24
5.1额料收集    24
5.1.1漏斗    24
5.1.2集尘盒    24
5.2电控板    24
5.3 执行机构(气缸)    25
5.4 机台整体结构    26
第6章 设计成果应用    28
6.1 玻璃屑改善    28
6.2 生产节拍加快    28
6.3 线路刮伤改善    29
第7章 全文总结与展望    30
7.1 全文总结    30
7.2 论文工作展望    30
参考文献    31
致谢    32
