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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D27179 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D27179
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摘  要

Plunger chip is an important tool for the forming process of glass products. The quality of the punch directly affects its useful life, and it is also closely related to the appearance quality, production efficiency, and production cost of glass products. Due to the special features of the plunger chip polishing, there is still a lack of automatic polishing technology for small rotary body in China. This article will use the Liquid Jet Polishing, through theoretical analysis and modeling of SolidWorks, designed a special device for the axial polishing of 200ml plunger chip surface. The device has the function of automatic feeding and automatic polishing. It is an automated machine device with strong operability.
The work accomplished in the thesis includes the following two aspects:
1) This article completed the overall design of the automatic polishing machine, including the overall system function and structural design, mechanical system dynamics and kinematic analysis, and mechanical system design.
2) Based on the above work, this project adopts SolidWorks software to build the virtual prototype model of the equipment, and through the kinematics simulation to verify the accuracy of the automatic polishing machine virtual prototype model, and the feasibility of the overall design safety case.
3) The work of the dissertation lays the foundation for the further study of the design of automatic polishing machine, the flow characteristics of the polishing liquid, the improvement of the polishing processing efficiency, and the precision of the punch polishing process, and has a good practical reference value for engineering.
Key Words:Modeling Design; Automatic Polishing Machine; Liquid Jet Polishing; Virtual Prototyping.
表2.1 主要设计参数与指标——三线表
项目    技术参数
外形尺寸    3635*1475*1668
质量    138kg
生产节拍    6min/件


目  录
第1章 绪论    1
1.1研究目的及意义    1
1.2国内外研究现状    1
1.3主要研究内容    3
第2章 自动抛光机方案设计    4
2.1设计参数与性能指标    4
2.2 系统总体功能和结构方案设计    4
2.2.1自动上料机构    5
2.2.2轴向抛光机构    6
2.3本章小结    6
第3章 自动抛光机结构设计    7
3.1机械系统结构设计    7
3.1.1冲头自动上下料机构    7
3.1.2工作台机构    7
3.1.3抛光定位机构    8
3.1.4抛光机构    8
3.2机械结构运动学及动力学分析    9
3.2.1抛光定位机构    9
3.2.2抛光机构    12
3.3本章小结    15
第4章 三维建模及仿真    16
4.1三维模型的建立    16
4.1.1抛光机建模设计    16
4.1.2零部件建模    17
4.1.3虚拟安装    22
4.1.4生成工程图    23
4.1.5结论    24
4.2 基于SOLIDWORKS的运动仿真    24
4.2.1基本设置    24
4.2.2冲头夹取装配体运动仿真    25
4.3本章小结    26
第5章 经济性与环境分析    27
5.1经济性分析    27
5.2环境分析    27
第6章 总结及展望    29
6.1总结    29
6.2展望    29
参考文献    31
致  谢    32
