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摘要:本文介绍了立轴锤式破碎机的工作原理及破碎实质,并对破碎机主要参数进行了设计。本次设计的是单转子、多排锤、不可逆式的电动机下置式立轴锤式破碎机,型号为LPX6 500。立轴锤式破碎机由上盖、机壳、立轴转子、底座和传动装置组成。上盖一侧上面设有喂料口(进料斗),中间设有转子轴承座。机壳内装有可拆换的反击板,中心立轴转子安装有数排对称布置的打击锤头,传动装置由异步电动机、电机机座、张紧机构及传动机构构成,同立轴转子相连,底座下部设有出料口及料斗。破碎腔里面的破碎机构采用单转子多排锤可逆式,单转子即一根主轴,多排锤头通过连接装置固定在主轴上,锤头交错布置。而且锤头的回转采用可逆式,这样能够在锤头遇到大的破碎阻力时,锤头向相反的方向转动,减轻主轴的承载负荷,保护主轴不被损坏。里面的破碎衬板通过螺栓连接固定在筒体上。筒体和破碎机构固定在底架上。
关键词:破碎机   传动装置   单转子   设计

LPX6 motor mounted under the hammer crusher
Abstract:This article describes the vertical shaft hammer crusher working principle and essence broken, and the main parameters of the crusher design. The design of a single rotor, multi-row hammer, not reversible electric motor mounted under the hammer crusher vertical shaft, model LPX6 500. Vertical Shaft Crusher from the cover, chassis, vertical rotor, composed of the base and the transmission. Cover with top feeding port side (into the hopper), in the middle with the rotor bearing. Removable cabinet interior with a back plate, the center vertical row of symmetrical arrangement of the rotor to install a number of hammer blows, transmission by the asynchronous motor, motor base, tensioner and the transmission structure, with vertical rotor connected to the lower part of the base set a discharge port and hopper. Broken bodies inside crushing chamber single rotor multi-row hammer reversible, that is a single-rotor spindle, multi-row hammer fixed to the spindle through the connections, the hammerhead be staggered. And the use of reversible rotary hammer, so that can face big hammer crushing the resistance, the hammer head turn in the opposite direction, reducing the load bearing spindle to protect the spindle is not damaged. By lining the inside of the broken bolts on the fixed cylinder. Cylinder and broken bodies fixed on the bottom shelf.

Key words:   Crusher    Gearing   Single rotor   Design、
1. 破碎机的破碎对象:脆性建筑垃圾;
2. 生产能力:每小时6吨;
3.给料粒度:≤ 200×200×150 ( );
4. 排料粒度:≤8×8×8( )。



目   录
1 绪论    1
1.1 破碎机的发展现状及应用    1
1.2 破碎机和锤式破碎机的分类    2
1.3锤式破碎机的优缺点    2
2 立轴锤式破碎机的工作原理及破碎实质    3
2.1 立轴锤式破碎机的工作原理    3
2.2 立轴锤式破碎机的破碎实质    3
3 立轴锤式破碎机总体及主要参数设计    3
3.1型号LPX6锤式破碎机总体方案设计    3
3.2 电动机下置式锤式破碎机主要参数的设计计算    5
3.3 LPX6电动机下置式锤式破碎机结构参数设计计算    6
4 LPX6型电动机下置式锤式破碎机主要结构设计计算    7
4.1 主轴的设计计算    7
4.2 轴承的选择    17
4.3 传动方式的选择和计算    21
4.4 锤头的设计计算    25
4.5 连接盘的结构设计计算    27
5 破碎机的其他结构及其相关设计    28
5.1 破碎机筒体    28
5.2 破碎机支架    29
5.3 破碎机的筛板    31
设计总结    30
致谢    31
参考资料    32
