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The design of the injection mold for the transparent cover                                             
摘  要

  In recent years, the rapid development of Chinese economy, the mold industry has put forward higher requirements, especially plastic mold. By 2004, the proportion in the mold industry, plastic mold has risen to about 30%, suggesting that in the coming years, the plastic mold industry will maintain an average annual growth rate of more than 10% higher speed. In the domestic market, plastic mold injection mold to the greatest demand, which focuses on the development of plastic mold.
  Injection molded plastic molding, injection molding is also known. Is one of the important methods of plastic molding, plastic injection molding development is based on the development of metal casting, molding is injection molding machine. It generally applies to thermoplastic molding. Thermosetting plastic injection molding applications is being expanded. Most automated production is a method of molding a plastic molding, plastic molding is the most widely used. The subject is the transparent cover as a design model, using an injection mold knowledge as a basis to illustrate the injection mold design process.
  Transparent lid injection mold design using ProE solid modeling software was solid modeling, structural analysis and processing of plastic parts. To determine the design structure, determine the injection molding process, careful calculation and verification of the various parts. This design, in order to ensure the normal work of the mold, to ensure that they cooperate with other structures. Finally, the use of CAD drawing draw mold parts and assembly drawings.
  This topic through the transparent cover injection mold design, consolidate what they have learned, and achieved satisfactory results, to meet the design intent ideas
Keywords: plastic mold; injection molding; mold design;


目    录
绪论    6
1零件工艺性分析    7
1.1制件的几何形状分析    7
2.2型腔数量的确定    7
1.3制件原材料的成型特性    8
1.4注塑设备的选择    9
1.5锁模力的校核    11
1.6模具开模行程的校核    11
2分型面位置的确定    12
2.1分型面的选择    12
3浇注系统的设计    14
3.1 主流道的设计    14
3.2 浇口设计    15
3.3浇口位置的选择:    16
4成型零件的设计    17
4.1结构设计    17
4.2工作尺寸计算    17
4.3成型零件的强度和底板厚度计算    19
4.4成型零件钢材    20
4.5标准模架的确定    21
4.6 模架各尺寸的校核    23
5成型设施备的校核计算    24
5.1注射机注射压力校核    24
5.2注射量的校核    24
5.3锁模力的校核    24
5.4推出机构的校核    25
6  导向机构的设计    26
6.1导向装置的作用:    26
7 温度调节系统    28
8 排气槽的设计    30
9模具的总体结构    31
9.1模具的工作过程    31
总结    33
参考文献    34
致谢    35
