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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D13619 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D13619
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摘  要
该制件厚度比较薄,只有 ,所以在产品生产完成之后的卸料装置上需要注意这个参数来设计相关机构。另外,由于制件所需要的冲孔直径很小,所以设计的冲孔凸模强度是否足够也是需要格外注意的。本制件所要求的精度也不是很高,制件未注尺寸精度为 级。

The study of the subject is e type iron chip of stamping die design, through to the appearance of the parts the analysis of the structure, size and material properties, preliminary confirm the stamping process. Analysis of workpiece process and its structure, suitable for cutting the parts manufacture can be determined, and from the product structural manufacturability analysis, through the mold structure characteristics, relevant parameters of molding part design, make its can meet the requirements of process parameters and production in advance. First of all, through the analysis on the structure is simpler and highly symmetrical parts, the thickness of the thinner, for mass production, belongs to the general stamping parts, and then the relevant process is calculated to determine the design of the mould, the other cost factors in the process of design should also be a need to be aware of all the factors into consideration.
The parts of thin thickness, only , so in the products production after completion of discharging device need to pay attention to this parameter to design the relevant institutions. In addition, because the punching parts need diameter is small, so the design of the punching punch strength is enough also need to be pay attention to. The parts required accuracy is not high, parts not note dimensional accuracy level .
Key words:The mould;Blanking pieces;punch;die intensive


目  录
绪论    1
1工件的工艺分析    4
1.1工件工艺分析    4
2工艺方案的确定    5
2.1方案的确定    5
2.1.1选定方案    5
2.1.2冲裁排样设计    5
2.1.3搭边值的确定    6
2.1.4材料利用率的计算    7
2.2冲压力的计算    7
2.2.1冲孔力和落料力的计算    7
2.2.2卸料力和推件力的计算    8
2.3计算压力中心    8
2.4计算凹凸模刃口尺寸    8
2.4.1冲裁间隙的确定    9
2.4.2落料刃口尺寸的计算    10
2.4.3冲孔刃口尺寸的计算    10
3模具结构设计    12
3.1冲裁零件的设计    12
3.1.1落料凹模的设计    12
3.1.2冲孔凸模的设计    13
3.1.3冲孔落料凸凹模的设计    15
3.2定位零件的选择设计    16
3.3其他零件的设计    16
3.3.1卸料板的选择    16
3.3.2弹性元件的选择    17
3.3.3卸料螺钉的选择    18
3.3.4推件装置的设计选择    18
3.3.5模柄的选择    18
3.3.6凸模固定板和压板圈的设计    19
3.3.7螺钉和销钉的选择    20
3.4模架的选择    21
3.5压力机的选择    21
4模具的装配    23
结论    26
致谢    27
参考文献    28
