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关键词:PLC 电梯 控制系统

With the rapid development of China's national economy, increasing the degree of modernization, many high-rise buildings, elevators also will be increased, elevator products in people's material and cultural life of the position has been enhanced to become one of the important transportation equipment. Domestic ones the elevator control is a relay, contactor composition. He was not only the existence of poor reliability, high cost, high failure rate and other shortcomings, and building layers increases, changes to the manufacturing and installation of wiring inconvenience. If using PLC control to solve the above deficiencies.
First, respectively expounds elevator relay control and PLC control features, outstanding tells relays of elevator control system exposed shortcomings and PLC of elevator control system has the advantages, secondly, in the domestic and foreign relevant document read many of the basis of materials, the elevator technology and the development of elevator equipment are reviewed. Then introduces PLC selection principles and PLC control system design train of thought; On this basis, according to the elevator system itself working condition requirements, elevator systems PLC software development, through the software development of characteristic, combining PLC itself, the design gives the control law can realize a certain function PLC elevator control system.
  The design of the PLC as a tool for the elevator on the ginger to control the various operations. The first part of the hardware to do three of the elevator and see what kind of switches, signals and so on. Then, the control panel to draw his map, according to I / O points to determine the PLC model, and finally the original design, draw flowchart, write the ladder, followed by computer simulation.

KEY WORDS : PLC   elevator   control system 


目  录

1 绪论    1
2 电梯的概述    2
2.1 电梯结构    2
2.2电梯控制要求    3
3 硬件的选择    4
3.1 PLC定义和特点    4
3.2 PLC发展趋势    5
3.3 PLC基本结构    6
3.4 PLC的工作原理    8
3.5 硬件接线图    9
4 PLC电梯的控制系统设计    10
4.1三菱 PLC基本逻辑指令    10
4.2基于PLC的电梯控制流程图系统设计    11
4.3 I/O分配表    13
4.4软件设计    14
4.5程序说明    20
5 程序仿真    26
5.1 GX Developer软件介绍    26
5.1.1 软件概述    26
5.1.2 GX Developer的特点    27
5.1.3 操作界面    27
5.2 用GX Simulator进行仿真    29
结束语    34
参考文献    35
致   谢    36
