Since the emergence of CNC technology in the middle of the 20th century, CNC milling machine has brought revolutionary changes to the machinery manufacturing industry. CNC milling machine processing has the following characteristics: good processing flexibility, high processing accuracy, high productivity, reduce the labor intensity of the operator, improve working conditions, conducive to the modernization of production management and economic benefits. CNC milling machine has the following functions: point control function, continuous contour control function, tool radius automatic compensation function, tool length compensation function, mirror processing function, fixed cycle function, special function.
Programmable logic controller (PLC) is widely used in CNC milling machine and other industrial control. The control part of CNC milling machine can be divided into digital control and sequence control.
This paper describes the basic composition, working principle, classification and characteristics of CNC milling machine. And the PLC in CNC milling machine is introduced in detail, the PLC in CNC milling machine control design.
Key words: CNC milling; Programmable controller CNC milling machine; Number control sequence control

摘要 1
第一章 国内外数控铣床发展情况与设计意义 5
1.1 国外数控铣床发展情况 5
1.2 数控铣床原理和特点 5
1.4 数控铣床结构 7
第二章 方案选择 8
2.1 伺服进给系统选择 8
2.2 伺服电机选择 9
2.3 控制系统的选择 10
2.3.1 西门子828D简介 10
2.3.2 西门子828D组成部分 11
第三章 数控系统的机构组成 14
3.1 数控系统的结构原理 14
3.2数控系统CNC的组成 14
第四章 数控车床PLC的机构组成和工作原理 17
4.1 数控机床PLC的形式 17
4.2 数控车床PLC的硬件组成和功能 17
4.3 PLC的工作原理 18
4.4 PLC与数控车床进给系统信息传递 20
第五章 西门子828D数控电气电路设计 21
5.1 电气控制电路简介 21
5.1.2 电气原理图的要求 21
5.1.3 电气设计的原则 21
5.2 西门子828D电路的设计 22
5.2.1电气集成电路 22
5.2.2 控制系统电路 24
第六章 PLC的设计 26
6.1 PLC的编程方法 26
6.2 PLC的设计 26
6.2.1PLC设计方法 26
6.2.2PLC程序设计步骤 26
6.2.3 PLC在车床控制的分析 27
6.2.4 PLC参数设定 27
6.2.5 PLC机床数据 29
6.2.7 HMI数据 30
6.2.8 NCK数据 30
6.2.9 PLC的输入输出地址 31
6.3 PLC控制部分设计 33
6.3.1 主轴程序设计 33
6.3.2 主轴和进给轴的控制程序 34
6.3.3 机床冷却系统控制程序 35
6.3.4带二进制编码功能的刀架程序 37
6.3.5 辅助程序设计 39
6.4 PLC控制部分调试 40
6.4.1 PLC连接 40
6.4.2 安装Programming Tool 41
6.4.3 PLC程序的在线调试 42
总结 43
参考文献 44