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摘  要
    With the development of market economy, while "medical trouble incident" in society have occurred, so that normal medical services market is seriously disturbed. Harmonious doctor-patient relationship is the foundation of trust and understanding .As the doctor and patient accrual different demands of different interests of both sides, the lack of communication and understanding between each other. On the Construction of a harmonious doctor-patient relationship should work around the government, healer, and the three main patient commenced, the government should improve the social security system so that citizens equal access to health care resources, while developing a sound legal system to protect the interests of doctors and patients groups . Medical ethics should be increased by strengthening and patient communication, enhance the trust between doctors and patients. Community should, through various channels to enhance the quality of the patient's own, so seek legal means to represent their interests.

Key words: Doctor-patient relationship; ethics; trust;.

摘要    1
1医患关系的现状及紧张的原因    1
1.1医患关系的现状    1
1.2医患关系紧张的原因    1
2医患关系与护士综合素质的关系    2
2.1患者的需求是护士工作的质量标准    2
2.2护士综合素质提升有助于医患关系和谐    3
3    护士在和谐医患关系中的作用    3
3.1确立医患双方义务,维持正常医疗秩序    3
3.2下置护理工中心,提高护理人员的职业素质    4
3.3全程服务病人的治疗活动和健康生活    5
结论    6
参考文献    7
致谢    8
