摘 要:采用田间试验方法,应用高效液相色谱法测定了阿维菌素在柑橘园中柑橘的残留及消解动态。柑橘样品中的阿维菌素的残留量采用甲醇提取,提取液浓缩后过层析柱旋干,色谱甲醇定容,再高效液相色谱检测。阿维菌素在长沙、贵州、杭州三地柑橘全果中的平均回收率分别为90.91%、88.74%、96.02%,变异系数分别为7.90%、3.33%、11.42%,分析方法最小检出量为1.2×10-7 g;阿维菌素在柑橘园的柑橘全果中的最低残留值为0.006mg/kg。其消解动态实验结果表明:阿维菌素在柑橘中的消解符合一级化学反应动力学模式C=C0e-kt,在长沙、贵州、杭州三地柑橘中的半衰期分别为6.24d、4.53d、7.09d。
Abamectin in Oranges Liquid Chromatographic Analysis Method and Dispelling the Dynamic Research
Abstract: Using field test methods, application HPLC method for the determination of the citrus abamectin residual and dispelling garden citrus dynamic. Citrus samples of the residues of abamectin by methanol extraction, extract concentration after chromatography column spin dry, chromatography, and the capacity of methanol high performance liquid chromatographic detection. Abamectin in changsha, guizhou, hangzhou the average three whole fruit citrus 90.91%,88.74%,96.02%, the coefficients of variation were 7.90%, 3.33%, 11.42%, analysis method for minimum detected 1.2 x 10 - 7 g .Abamectin citrus groves of citrus in all the lowest residual values as fruit 0.006 mg/kg. The digestion dynamic experiment results show that, in the citrus abamectin with digestion reaction kinetics model C = C0e-kt, in changsha, guizhou, hangzhou citrus respectively the half-life are 6.24 d, 4.53 d, 7.09 d.
Key words: HPLC; Abamectin; residue dynamic; citrus
